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The Sun Becomes Active Again

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    The Sun Becomes Active Again

    CME due for earth arrival on December 31st 1509 UTC.
    Click image for larger version

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Views:	39
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ID:	1820
    Enfield, CT USA
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    As of midday Saturday, January 4th, solar flares and thus high solar winds continue to buffet the Earth's ionosphere. IF you're dreaming of winter E'skip conditions, keep dreaming. As long as the solar winds continue at high levels (off and on since Summer 2024), it will interfere with the development of any E'skip that can effect 50 MHz and above.

    Take a look at a capture from Space Weather Live's website as of today. Several alerts on the right of Aurora conditions. In the lower left is the current speed of solar winds. Note the average time and the comment "With the current speed, it will take the solar wind 44 minutes to propagate from DSCOVR to Earth.​" When solar winds are at the slow average of 400 km/sec, it takes almost 90 minutes to travel from DSCOVR to Earth.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	SpaceWeather Live screencap.jpg Views:	0 Size:	207.5 KB ID:	1837

    For more information on solar winds and their effects on the Earth, read here >>>


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