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LW/MW DX to Glenn Hauser, Enid OK

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    LW/MW DX to Glenn Hauser, Enid OK

    Domestic, Aug 21-Sept 17, 2023

    All times and dates strictly UT!

    Rx: IC-R75 with 100` E-W longwire;
    DX-398 with internal antenna only;
    NRD-545 with ALA-330S
    inside E-W or inside randomwire N-S;
    Nissan stock caradio as specified.
    Or remote receivers when specified.

    These logs are excerpts from my daily
    all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also
    VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham,
    which may be found in several archives
    without much delay, such as


    Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
    all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

    Yes, I know MW starts at 300 kHz, but may include LW
    beacons below that for sake of completeness. It also
    extends above to 3000 kHz. I also include reports of
    harmonix originating with MW stations.

    OKLAHOMA [and non]. LW/MW beacon reception has been pitiful. Still
    plenty of summer storm noise and also my OG&E line noise. The only
    reliable regulars are 515 kHz, PN, Ponca City; and always JBA despite
    proximity, 341 kHz, EI, Enid. Former regulars 350 kHz, RG, WRWA OKC,
    and 255 kHz, SW, Stillwater remain absent, maybe forever. I have been
    hesitant to conclude the 332 kHz, IC, Wichita KS, is off, but
    unconfirmed for weeks. At 0102 Sept 17 I get a trace, maybe of a 332
    carrier. I`ll be delighted to hear any further beacons, let alone
    several Canadians regular in the winter, if they still exist. There
    was one on 332 mixing with and atop wIChita.

    OKLAHOMA. About the blasting line noise level in Enid. OG&E
    troubleshooter visited about 1330 Sept 6 and agreed he`s also
    hearing it and is getting to work on locating source, but could take a
    few days. Then of course repair work can start. Meanwhile I`m hearing
    it on MW wherever I drive in Enid; even QRNs the stoplight noise. And
    on home rigs it`s all over the SW bands.

    OKLAHOMA. Sept 12 I waste a sesquihour on the phone waiting for
    OG&E agent to pick up in ``less than an hour``, before giving up.
    Trying to get some axion on my week-ago complaint of intolerable line
    noise level here and thru much of Enid. They need more agents!

    U S A. As PS to my log of 570, XEBJB, Monterrey, 0550 Sept 4:
    At 0600, more signal from two US stations, one with Fox news, the
    other CBS news. One with ID as WNAX Yankton SD. The other must be KLIF
    Dallas. After news at 0606 one goes into C2CAM. NRC AM Log unravels
    which be which: WNAX with CBS and Red Eye Radio; KLIF with Fox and
    C2CAM. BTW, when noise level permit, both US stations make it here on
    daytime groundwave, WNAX twice as far way under KLIF, née WBAP=WFAA in
    sharetime deal with 10X bigger 820 transmitter, both? situated N of
    midway between D/FW, Grapevine.

    OKLAHOMA. Cf. July reports about KVIS 910 Miamuh, which was playing
    music with no announcements: ``Re: KVIS 910 monitoring --- Hi Glenn,
    Just to follow up on this, I`ve been through Grove several times in
    the past few weeks. It appears KVIS is off the air. This may be old
    news but I wanted to follow up. Hope you’re doing great! Chris
    KC5IIE`` Krug, Tulsa, Sept 6.

    UNIDENTIFIED. 1240.23 approx., Sept 6 at 0345, JBA carrier het on
    plus side of 1240 graveyard pileup. Nothing that far off, domestic or
    otherwise, in mwoffsets. Also a weaker het on the minus side. With
    hundreds of US stations on channel, what`s amazing is that more of
    them not be askew, likewise for 1230, 1340, 1400, 1450 and 1490.

    Believed to be KCRT Trinidad CO, as last reported June 26, *2021*:
    U S A. 1240+, June 26 at 0604 het on the plus side of this
    graveyard on the DX-398 looping WNW/ESE? Roughly 1240.2. Likely KCRT
    Trinidad CO, long askew. But *still* not on MWOffsets list. Here`s a
    review of my logs over the years and the original report, reverse
    order: {back to 2013y including 1240.20 exactly}

    U S A. 1290 kHz, Sept 5 at 0020, I`m trying to monitor KMMM
    Pratt KS, my closest on frequency, to determine its current slogan and
    format which allegedly have changed. But dominant signal is pukeworthy
    Mark Levin far-right talkshow, must be KWFS Wichita Falls TX, roughly
    colinear from south, not north.

    Looking at direxional patterns via radio-locator, KMMM favors west,
    not south with some nulls/notches more or less in our direxion. By
    0037, KWFS gets a medium SAH from something else. KWFS vanishes at
    0045 which is its official sunset, cutting from 5000 to 73 watts
    night. 0045 is also SS for KMMM, cutting from 5000 to 500 watts and
    even more notched toward me.

    However, in first few minutes of monitoring before 0030 I heard
    slogans both ``Mighty 12-90`` and ``News-Talk 1290`` which I thought
    were both KWFS. But NRC AM Log of last year shows KWFS is the
    `News-Talk` and KMMM `The Mighty 1290` with country format. But no
    such music being heard.

    Now at 0048 I am hearing a music station, KMMM? No, it`s KIVY
    ``Austin`` TX really Crockett. Can`t get FCC AMQuery to reach it, but
    Sept SS for another Austinite, KLBJ 590, was 0030. KIVY IDs heard a
    few times plugging its two puny translator frequencies, 102.9 and
    105.5, not 1290. Format is supposed to be NOStalgic music per
    radio-locator, yet its slogan ``Your News Talk Central`` -- slightly
    self-contradictory! Per NRC AM Log of last year, KIVY goes from 2500
    watts day to 175 night, and NOS slogan is ``America`s Best Music`` --
    indeed that`s what I hear at a much later 0648 check when it`s
    still dominant on 1290 into DX-398 oriented N/S. On my E/W longwire
    there is some talk station at 0650, // 1110 KFAB so that would be
    C2CAM. Anyhow we still don`t know about KMMM for sure. Official Sept
    sunrise for all three 1290s is 1215, if someone can check around

    At 1832, precisely local mean noon at this longitude I check 1290
    again when the only possible signals would be groundwave, not KIVY.
    Two weak signals, the stronger talk, the weaker music, presumably KWFS
    and KMMM.

    Difficultized by huge line noise level, but at least with DX-398 it`s
    somewhat nullable E/W vs the stations N/S. Later I have to spend an
    hour on the phone until OG&E agent pixup, and I can file a complaint
    about the line noise, which is not only around my place, but all the
    way many blox to downtown Enid as I just drove my caradio.

    U S A. An expedition some 10/15 miles north of Enid allows me to
    check 1550 KKLE Winfield KS better than I can hear it at home. In a
    previous report I heard sibling station 1130 KLEY in nearby Wellington
    utter a joint ID for them as well as several FM outlets. But Sept 10
    at 1943 they are certainly not //: one caradio but tuning back and
    forth, 1550 with music, 1130 with ad. After 2000, KKLE goes from a
    banjo bluegrass tune, to country, which is exactly the format listed
    in the new NRC AM Log. KLEY however sounds more rockish to me than
    country whenever I check it, and it has been modulating lately. Never
    heard the slogan ``Red Dirt Country``. BTW an FCC report says the FM
    translator of 1130, which is all that matters, has changed from 100.3
    to 104.1 MHz, unknown why. 100.3 was relatively clear but never heard
    this far away, and 104.1 is impossible with OKC fullpower on it.

    Another check on the caradio inside Enid, Sept 11 circa 2005: 1130
    KLEY ID jointly for KKLE and two FMs, probably their translators. But
    once again, 1550 with weaker but sufficient signal is NOT // 1130!!
    Playing bluegrass while 1130 goes on with classic rock. True, I have
    not heard how 1550 IDs, but it can`t be the Okie, KYAL Sapulpa/Tulsa
    which is a Sports Animal. At 2143 on home rig, 1550 promos as
    bluegrass 24/7; and I think My Town Media, as below. Does have a fast
    SAH, probably de KYAL.

    These stations used to belong to Rocking M Media LLC, as if on a
    branding iron, M atop an arc, as still shown at radio-locator; but FCC
    LMS, which is allegedly kept more up to date than ``unexpected
    error``, AM Query, says licensee is My Town Media Inc., but expired
    01/04/2023! which would seem to imply it should be off the air. Ditto
    for KLEY. But ``Facility Status Date` is 08/12/2021! That`s MM/DD/YYYY
    format per other entries. And I believe the two are conjoined twins,
    axually operated from the same studio, or rather computer bank.

    U S A. 1550 kHz, Sept 10 at 2359 on E/W LW, I`m checking still
    tuned here for a legal ID from KKLE, q.v. No call letters, but
    ``greatest hits of all time, Motown(?) 107.5``. Looking thru all 56
    entries on 1550 in the new NRC AM Log, it`s not the first one, WLOR
    Huntsville AL, 50000/44 watts which does have a puny FM translator on
    ``107.5, The Beat``. But gotta be this, also likelier by proximity:
    KESJ St. Joseph MO, 2500/500, ``Joe Town 107.5``! Another translator
    tail wagging the AM dog.

    NORTH AMERICA. 1730 kHz, Sept 4 at 0133, DJ refers to his
    pennywhistle signal being heard in Maryland, rock music but off at
    0138*. Monitoring via SE Michigan SDR better than a SW Ontario one,
    tnx to this tip on the WOR iog:
    ``[WOR] Fred Flintstone Pirate 1730 khz @ 2120 ET 9/3/23 --- The KRAP
    AM Stereo "Fred Flintstone" pirate is active on 1730 khz at 2121 ET
    with an ID and out of a Chicago song and other 1970s pop music.
    Beautiful audio and S9+ signal here in SW Ontario Canada. Sean Welsh,
    Dufferin County, ON CA, Icom IC-8600, W6LVP Loop.``
    Several other reports here, agreeing it went off at 0138* UT:,117784.0.html
    Never came back by 0148.

    WORLD OF RADIO 2205 contents: (Anguilla), Antarctica, Brasil, Canada,
    Colombia, Cuba, Hawai`i, Korea North, Kurdistan non, México, Myanmar,
    North America, Oklahoma, Perú, Philippines, Romania, Scotland and non,
    Turkey, UK, USA, (Uzbekistan), (Vatican), Venezombia; propagation
    outlook -- (countries mentioned along with others not in order)

    WORLD OF RADIO 2205 available from 0143 August 25:
    (mp3 stream)
    (mp3 download)
    Or via
    Also linx to podcast services.

    Also confirmed Saturday August 26 at 1949, the 1930 about 18 minutes
    into on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, VG S9+15 into its nearby SDR.

    Also confirmed Sunday August 27 at 0330 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO,
    S9+15 into nearby SDR, about 3 minutes into so started circa 0327.

    WORLD OF RADIO 2206 contents: Antarctica, Australia, Brasil, Canada
    non, Colombia, Congo, Cuba, Denmark and non, (France). Gabon,
    (Germany), Indonesia and non, Italy, Mali, México, Norfolk Island,
    Perú, Scotland non, Turkey, UK, USA; unIDs 7300v, 7305; propagation
    outlook -- (countries mentioned along with others not in order)

    WORLD OF RADIO 2206 available from 0104 September 1
    (mp3 stream)
    (mp3 download)

    Also confirmed Saturday September 2 from 1938 the 1930v on WA0RCR,
    1860 AM, MO, S9+14 into nearby SDR.

    Also confirmed Sunday September 3 at 0328 about 11 minutes into so
    started about 0317 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, VG into nearby SDR.

    WORLD OF RADIO 2207 contents: Angola, Antarctica, (Argentina), Brasil,
    Canada, China non, Congo DR, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia non,
    (Falkland Islands], Indonesia, Kurdistan non, Malaysia, México,
    Mongolia, [New Zealand], North America, Norway, Oklahoma and non,
    Pakistan, Russia, Sint Maarten, Solomon Islands, Sweden, Turkey,
    Ukraine, UKQOGBANI, USA, (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu, Vatican; unID 6300;
    Adrian Peterson`s 50K QSLs; propagation outlook -- (countries
    mentioned with others not in order)

    WORLD OF RADIO 2207 available from 0112 September 8
    (mp3 stream)
    (mp3 download)
    Or via
    Also linx to podcast services.

    Also confirmed Saturday September 9 at 1936 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO,
    S7/9+10 into nearby SDR, about 2 minutes into so started circa 1934.

    Also confirmed Sunday September 10 at 0319 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO,
    S9+15/20 vs HSNL into nearby SDR: nearest Blitz in east TN, NW KS,
    about 4 minutes into so started on time circa 0315.

    WORLD OF RADIO 2208 contents: Antarctica, Australia, Colombia, Cuba,
    (Ethiopia non), France, Germany, Korea South, Madagascar, (Maldives
    non), Monaco, Netherlands non, (Oklahoma), Perú, Russia, (Slovakia
    non), Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and non, UKQOGBANI and non, USA,
    (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu, Vatican; propagation outlook -- (countries
    mentioned with others not in order)

    WORLD OF RADIO 2208 available from 0240 September 15
    (mp3 stream)
    (mp3 download)

    Note that some items quoted on WOR 2208 are no longer correct already:
    Ben Dawson says WFME 1560 does not use a ``slant-wire antenna``, but
    rather a slant-wire *feed* to a vertical tower, which is entirely

    Also confirmed Saturday September 16 at 1930 on WRN N America webcast;
    and also on WRMI webcast only. AND a minute or so later via WA0RCR,
    1860 AM, MO, S9 into nearby SDR.

    Also confirmed not starting until 0358 Sunday September 17 the
    0315v on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, VG into nearby SDR, after ARRL News
    which started at 0345.

    ``World of Radio is the premiere news and information radio service
    produced by respected shortwave journalist Glenn Hauser.``
    Tnx, but don`t you believe the imaginary first time shown,
    ``5130 Su 0400-0430 UTC Su 12:00AM 12:30AM EST`` [sic]
    which was never correct.

    Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn Hauser

    International, August 21-September 17, 2023


    Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
    all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

    MEXICO [and non]. 570, Sept 4 at 0550, listening to a household
    Panasonic radio oriented to favor N/S paths, hearing music mixed with
    talk stations. 0554 ID as XEBJB Monterrey and Mexican national anthem
    long version to about 0558, choral, maybe children`s high voices. IRCA
    Mexican Log shows:

    ``570 XEBJB NL SAN NICOLAS DE LOS GARZA CST Full (4:40) children's
    choral just before or after 6 am. Full (4:40) children's choral just
    before or after Midnight. Phone: 81-8125-3500 WebsiteNone)`` And::

    ``XEBJB NL Monterrey 5000 500 La Voz 24h REL/CCR This channel is being
    leased, and currently has no web presence. ABC Noticias format moved
    to XEVB 1310AM in 2023. No longer //XHGBO 92.1FM General Bravo. Still
    active on AM 7/23 (logged by DXer), but noted falling off the air
    repeatedly 6/23 per SDR monitoring``

    ``San Nicolás de los Garza, sometimes known only as San Nicolás, is a
    city and coextensive municipality in the Mexican state of Nuevo León
    that is part of the Monterrey metropolitan area. Wikipedia
    Mayor: Daniel Carrillo, Weather: 101°F (38°C)`` = same as Enid.

    I`ve always wondered where the BJB calls came from: a slogan in
    Spanish, or someone`s initials? Probably not from B. J. Bingham,
    erstwhile TVDXer in Festus MO.

    At 0600, more signal from two US stations, one with Fox news, the
    other CBS news. One with ID as WNAX Yankton SD. The other must be KLIF
    Dallas. After news at 0606 one goes into C2CAM. NRC AM Log unravels
    which be which: WNAX with CBS and Red Eye Radio; KLIF with Fox and
    C2CAM. BTW, when noise level permit, both US stations make it here on
    daytime groundwave, WNAX twice as far way under KLIF, née WBAP=WFAA in
    sharetime deal with 10X bigger 820 transmitter, both? situated N of
    midway between D/FW, Grapevine.

    OKLAHOMA. About the blasting line noise level in Enid. OG&E
    troubleshooter visited about 1330 Sept 6 and agreed he`s also
    hearing it and is getting to work on locating source, but could take a
    few days. Then of course repair work can start. Meanwhile I`m hearing
    it on MW wherever I drive in Enid; even QRNs the stoplight noise. And
    on home rigs it`s all over the SW bands.

    OKLAHOMA. Sept 12 I waste a sesquihour on the phone waiting for
    OG&E agent to pick up in ``less than an hour``, before giving up.
    Trying to get some axion on my week-ago complaint of intolerable line
    noise level here and thru much of Enid. They need more agents!

    SINT MAARTEN. 1300 kHz, Sept 4 at 1935, I bring up the TWR
    Bonaire SDR to check out RHC 15140, q.v., and find it`s tied up but I
    may camp upon someone listening to 1300; and hear music. What could
    that be? WRTH 2023 shows one Venezuelan, a deportes station in
    Caracas, surely not that, likely kaput at 245 km = 136 st miles.

    Soon quits so I get 1300 myself at 1936 to hear an ad in English in
    US$, and so that`s it. WRTH has it in the fq list
    for West Indies, page 717:
    1300 SXM 1 [kW] PJD2 V. of St Maarten, Phillipsburg
    but NOT under SAINT [sic] MAARTEN, the very name of which would be a
    mixture of English and Dutch; where that call is shown only for FM
    102.7 on page 441. 1300 is weak S5 but fairly steady overwater from
    one part of Caribbean Netherlands to another, not bad, 862 km = 535 st
    miles = 465 nmi. 1945 playing ``Love, Sweet Love``, 1950 hardsell ad
    in English. 1955 mentions 102.7. Guess what, that website does not
    lead to a radio station but to a blog in --- Thai!! Except for a Roman
    name UFASLOT, about gambling. Stranger and stranger. Here`s the
    correct radio link:
    Slow loading. ``Welcome to the Voice of St Maarten --- We are proud to
    be providing the caribbean with the best in broadcast radio for over
    35 years. We have two channels 102.7FM and 1300AM. Our Listeners are
    guaranteed to get the latest in news in and around our community. We
    have the most talented collection of DJ’s on the island to keep our
    listener entertained and update with the latest music``

    And with separate AM and FM player linx. If you play one, the other
    stops. Maybe not/always // but are the same at 2018 in a YL talk show
    about self-images, social media influencers. Ends at 2043, adstring
    -2050 for flights to Bonaire, St. Maarten Concrete, Caribbean Lottery,
    etc. Seems that ``SXM`` is common lingo for the place, not just ITU.
    ``Power 102.7 is here to cool it down``, 2051 back to music.

    Brings back memories of my visit to SXM tho I don`t recall going to
    the station itself, implied above to exist only since 1987. Is there
    any Dutch on it, or even French?

    WORLD OF RADIO 2205 contents: (Anguilla), Antarctica, Brasil, Canada,
    Colombia, Cuba, Hawai`i, Korea North, Kurdistan non, México, Myanmar,
    North America, Oklahoma, Perú, Philippines, Romania, Scotland and non,
    Turkey, UK, USA, (Uzbekistan), (Vatican), Venezombia; propagation
    outlook -- (countries mentioned along with others not in order)

    WORLD OF RADIO 2205 available from 0143 August 25:
    (mp3 stream)
    (mp3 download)
    Or via
    Also linx to podcast services.

    Confirmed Friday August 25 at 2030 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323
    kHz, S9/+10 with some storm crashes: so resumed after disappearance
    last week.

    WORLD OF RADIO 2205 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
    August 27 at 2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9+10/20 into
    nearby SDR but with CCI making fast SAH, presumably Brighton, England.

    WORLD OF RADIO 2206 contents: Antarctica, Australia, Brasil, Canada
    non, Colombia, Congo, Cuba, Denmark and non, (France). Gabon,
    (Germany), Indonesia and non, Italy, Mali, México, Norfolk Island,
    Perú, Scotland non, Turkey, UK, USA; unIDs 7300v, 7305; propagation
    outlook -- (countries mentioned along with others not in order)

    WORLD OF RADIO 2206 available from 0104 September 1
    (mp3 stream)
    (mp3 download)

    WORLD OF RADIO 2206 monitoring: confirmed Friday September 1 at 2049
    the 2030 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9/+15 into nearby Noale
    SDR, with low level music CCI presumably Smooth Radio, Brighton,

    Confirmed Sunday September 3 after 2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia,
    1323 kHz, S9+10/20 into nearby SDR with lite CCI.

    WORLD OF RADIO 2207 contents: Angola, Antarctica, (Argentina), Brasil,
    Canada, China non, Congo DR, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia non,
    (Falkland Islands], Indonesia, Kurdistan non, Malaysia, México,
    Mongolia, [New Zealand], North America, Norway, Oklahoma and non,
    Pakistan, Russia, Sint Maarten, Solomon Islands, Sweden, Turkey,
    Ukraine, UKQOGBANI, USA, (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu, Vatican; unID 6300;
    Adrian Peterson`s 50K QSLs; propagation outlook -- (countries
    mentioned with others not in order)

    WORLD OF RADIO 2207 available from 0112 September 8
    (mp3 stream)
    (mp3 download)
    Or via
    Also linx to podcast services.

    U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2207 monitoring: confirmed Friday
    September 8 at 2030 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9+5/15 into
    nearby Noale SDR with some storm crashes and lite CCI. No Blitz on map
    closer than Malta, Galicia. Still not on 918 or 207 kHz.

    Mike Barraclough reports Sept 10 to the bdxc-news iog: ``Smooth Radio
    AM closures --- Thomas TV on Digital Spy reports this afternoon
    hearing a message on Smooth Sussex 945 saying that they will be coming
    off AM at the end of this month. Checking their webpage showing AM
    frequencies which was updated September 4 it's now not listed there
    nor is 1323 Brighton so that must be closing soon as well.
    --- That should lessen the QRM to WOR broadcasts on 1323 from Italy,
    Fri 2030 & Sun 2000.

    U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2207 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
    September 10 at 2020 the 2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia 1323, S9+15/20
    with lite CCI as usual, Brighton not closed forever yet; and noise
    from storm crashes.

    WORLD OF RADIO 2208 contents: Antarctica, Australia, Colombia, Cuba,
    (Ethiopia non), France, Germany, Korea South, Madagascar, (Maldives
    non), Monaco, Netherlands non, (Oklahoma), Perú, Russia, (Slovakia
    non), Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and non, UKQOGBANI and non, USA,
    (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu, Vatican; propagation outlook -- (countries
    mentioned with others not in order)

    WORLD OF RADIO 2208 available from 0240 September 15
    (mp3 stream)
    (mp3 download)

    WORLD OF RADIO 2208 monitoring: confirmed Friday September 15 at 2045
    the 2030 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz only, Villa Estense;
    nearest SDR Noale is busy but Parma gets it poorly, S6/S7 very noisy
    with music QRM understation. I guess that`s still Brighton

    Note that some items quoted on WOR 2208 are no longer correct already:
    Ben Dawson says WFME 1560 does not use a ``slant-wire antenna``, but
    rather a slant-wire *feed* to a vertical tower, which is entirely

    ``World of Radio is the premiere news and information radio service
    produced by respected shortwave journalist Glenn Hauser.``
    Tnx, but don`t you believe the imaginary first time shown,
    ``5130 Su 0400-0430 UTC Su 12:00AM 12:30AM EST`` [sic]
    which was never correct.

    Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn​


      ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. ``Hi Glenn, About your NDBs mentioned. 350 RG
      is decommissioned; this happened several times but it kept coming
      back, it appears to finally have taken effect, last reported 1/23. 255
      SW still on, reported 8/29/23; 332 IC still on, reported 8/27/23.
      73, Steve AA7U in Arizona`` Ratzlaff (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

      ** OKLAHOMA. Sept 21 around 18 UT, OG&E crew spotted at work nearby:
      they are replacing an electric pole for some reason, but they say the
      transformer atop is not a new one. I thought maybe this was finally in
      response to my line noise complaint, and it does seem to have
      diminished somewhat, but still very buzzy as I approach the pole later
      with my DX-398 on MW and SW. It had also been a noise peak area
      driving by on caradio. They blamed a new cable TV provider installing
      on their poles (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

      ** U S A. 860, Sept 20 at 1854 UT, KKOW Pittsburg KS, is off! During
      routine bandscan from ~25 km north of Enid. Did not know it had any
      problems; neighbor 690 KGGF Coffeyville KS is VG as usual, both 10 kW.
      On 860 seems a JBA fast SAH but would not expect any daysigs from
      others nearest in TX, AR, IA. On 860 and above there is lite line
      noise audible even tho no powerlines in sight where parked along US
      81/60/64 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

      ** U S A. 860, Sept 21 circa 18 UT, KKOW Pittsburg KS is back on air,
      after missing yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

      ** U S A. 1130 kHz, Sept 19 at 1635 UT, no signal on caradio from KLEY
      Wellington KS; despite high storm and line noise level, should be
      audible as usual daytimes. At 1655 I get a JBA carrier on the R75; on
      the DX 398 I can`t get a DF fix. Could be image, or: how about running
      ``one watt`` night power in day rather than 250 watt day power at
      night? So KLEY seems totally off the air, and not merely dead air as
      often. Meanwhile sibling KKLE Winfield KS 1550 is quite audible with
      bluegrass, altho always weaker than KLEY when it`s normal, and DF for
      NNE/SSW (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR){Or: daytime GW remnant of KWKH LA?}

      ** U S A. 1130, Sept 20 at 1656 & 1855 UT chex, KLEY Wellington KS is
      still silent. Still off c. 1800 Sept 24 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

      ** U S A. 1290, Sept 20 at 1857 UT, ``Texhoma`s NewsTalk 1290``
      slogan, i.e. KWFS Wichita Falls TX, with barely an undertrace of KMMM
      Pratt KS, on caradio north of Enid (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

      WORLD OF RADIO 2209 contents: Algeria, Antarctica, Australia, Brasil,
      Canada, Colombizuela, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Indonesia, Iran
      non, Japan, Korea South, Kurdistan non, Maldives non, Netherlands, New
      Zealand, North America, Oklahoma, Russia, Turkey, USA, (Uzbekistan),
      Vanuatu; Pacific-Asian Log; propagation outlook --- (country mentioned
      along with others not in order)

      WORLD OF RADIO 2209 available from 0044 UT September 22
      (mp3 stream)
      (mp3 download)

      Or via
      Also linx to podcast services.

      Also confirmed Saturday September 23 starting at 1955 the 1930v on
      WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9+15 into nearby SDR with some storm crashes.

      Confirmed UT Sunday September 24 starting at 0408, the 0315v on
      WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9+18 into nearby remote, with heavy storm
      noise. Followed ARRL Audio News.

      Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn Hauser


        ** U S A. The blasting high line noise level I was complaining about
        has diminished somewhat but not eliminated. Not sure if this result
        from any OG&E effort. Now it`s more sporadic bursting than continuous.
        Unrelated, but my Icom ICR-75 is now sidelined as its audio output is
        no longer normal even after warmup or leaving it on continually. The
        JRC NRD-545 is now my primary rx, using the same 100` E/W longwire as
        the Icom, u.o.s. Frequency measurements to 3 decimal places not
        practical, only 2 at most. Noise level is still worst on LW, S7/S9,
        but slight lowering again JB audiblizes fringe NDBs in the daytime
        beyond Oklahoma, Sept 30 at 1539:

        332 kHz MCW, IC, Wichita KS, listed 400 watts
        395 kHz MCW, CA, Newton/Harvs KS, 25 watts
        407 kHz MCW, HRU, Herington KS, 25 watts

        I`ll know things are again close to normal if I can hear in daytime:
        293 kHz MCW, FBY, Fairbury NE, 25 watts just beyond Kansas.
        I am still not hearing 255 kHz MCW, SW, Stillwater OK. If really on as
        some allege, must be on reduced power from listed 25 watts
        That leaves the only day audible Okies:
        341 kHz MCW, EI, Enid, 25 watts but JBA despite proximity
        515 kHz MCW, PN, Ponca City, 25 watts but always much stronger than
        anything lower on MW or LW - maybe partly due to better receiver
        sensitivity and shorter antenna (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

        ** U S A. 1130 kHz, Sept 25 at 0615 UT steady S9+20 of classic rock
        dominates: suspect KLEY Wellington KS reactivated with usual 250 X its
        legal night power of 1 watt. Had been absent since Sept 19. Yes, same
        steady S9+20 rock on daytime groundwave at 1630 (Glenn Hauser, OK,

        ** U S A. 1290, follow-up to my unsuccessful attempts to monitor KMMM
        Pratt KS, since I am south of it but blocked by KWFS, while KMMM aims
        west; from Linda Brodsky, IRCA list, Sept 23: ``KMMM, Pratt KS
        dominates 1290 kHz most nights in Golden. Their current slogan is
        "True Country." There are many IDs between songs. Recording of recent
        ID attached. -- Linda Brodsky, Golden CO`` (via Glenn Hauser, WOR)

        ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2209 monitoring: Confirmed UT
        Thursday September 28 at 0130 on WRMI 5010, S9/+12 into Bonaire SDR.

        WORLD OF RADIO 2210 contents: Antarctica, Argentina non, Canada,
        Colombia [and non?], Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechia, France, Germany,
        (Italy), Kurdistan non, Netherlands, North America, (Oklahoma),
        Romania, Russia, Spain, Swaziland, Turkey, UAE, UKQOGBANI, USA,
        (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu; propagation outlook - (countries mentioned
        along with others not in order)

        WOR 2210 available from 0130 UT Friday September 29:
        (mp3 stream)
        (mp3 download)
        Or via
        Also linx to podcast services.

        ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2210 monitoring: confirmed Friday
        September 29 at 2054 the 2030 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz only,
        S9+10/13 into nearby Noale SDR, and for a change no CCI, so Smooth
        Radio, Brighton, England, UKQOGBANI, may have already closed down
        forever. 2059 usual false s/off, 2100 Feature Story News, 2108 start
        `The Shortwave Report` again with Dan Roberts, but bound to be chopped
        off air in a few more minutes. Yup, -2111.7*, and still nothing else
        on open frequency.

        Confirmed Saturday September 30 at 1928 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9+15
        into nearby SDR, about 4 minutes into so started early circa 1924.

        Confirmed UT Sunday October 1 starting at 0309 the 0315v on WA0RCR,
        1860 AM, MO, S9+15/18 into nearby SDR with some storm crashes.


          All times and dates strictly UT!

          Rx: NRD-545 with 100` E-W longwire;
          DX-398 with internal antenna only;
          Nissan stock caradio as specified.
          Or remote receivers when specified.

          These logs are excerpts from my daily
          all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also
          VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham,
          which may be found in several archives
          without much delay, such as


          Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
          all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

          Yes, I know MW starts at 300 kHz, but may include LW
          beacons below that for sake of completeness. It also
          extends above to 3000 kHz. I also include reports of
          harmonix originating with MW stations.

          OKLAHOMA. 255 MCW kHz, Oct 9 at 1526, JB detectable SW, 25 watt
          NDB at Stillwater, vs line noise level of S9. Had not been able to
          hear it for many weeks, if really on air all the time.

          U S A. My high line noise level has abated only slightly on LW/MW,
          and/or conditions have improved only slightly, allowing me to detect
          again some of my `regular` MCW ND beacons:

          293 kHz, Oct 9 at 0726, FBY, Fairbury NE, 25 watts
          326 kHz, Oct 9 at 0730, MA, Midland TX, 400 watts
          329 kHz, Oct 9 at 0731, PMV, Plattsmouth NE, 25 watts
          See also OKLAHOMA.

          CANADA [and non]. 332 MCW kHz, Oct 11 at 0705, QT, 1000 watt ND
          beacon at Thunder Bay ON, after months, finally able to JB copy it vs
          noise level, marginally improved conditions, and underneath it, IC,
          400 watts at Wichita KS.

          CANADA. 346 MCW kHz, Oct 12 at 0642, dash and YXL is JBA, S9/+20
          including intolerable line noise level. 500 watts from SiouX Lookout,
          Ontario, not flagged as facing decommission. Last winter so regular
          that seldom relogged, but the last time barely pulled was June 26, and
          before that, April 29.

          U S A. 365 MCW kHz, Oct 15 at 0650, JBA non-Canadian beacon, or two
          mixing, hard to differentiate, but I think I hear AA, which is 100
          watts from Fargo/Harwood ND; heard before, last Feb 22. Many other
          tantalizing NDB carriers vs the high line noise level.

          U S A. Oct 4 at 1820, I`m QRX for the much publicized nationwide
          Emergency Alert test: tuned to 91.7 KOSU, 740 KRMG, 12160 WWCR. First
          heard on 91.7 saying it runs from 2:20 to 2:40 pm Eastern; a few sex
          later on 740; 550 KFRM slow on uptake if ever; not heard interrupting
          a SW station -- who cares about that?! However, it was over in much
          less than a minute, stations resuming programming, as I hurriedly
          scanned some other AM stations. As for what happened on cell phones, I
          have no idea. Big deal? TV also on some cable channel, unknown as
          can`t monitor everything at once. However, Optimum had warned us
          yesterday this was coming and might have to reset cable tuners. There
          was no real-time msg about this in my email inboxes, nor spam folders
          -- who cares?

          U S A. Annular solar eclipse morning of Saturday October 14: You don`t
          need a transmitter to study radio propagation inward. I`m thinking
          some Las Vegas NV area MW stations might be good prospects to bounce
          into OK as the eclipse passes thru New Mexico; if we can find a clear
          frequency, like 840 KXNT? Never mind the little NM station in the
          middle. 670 KMZQ; 870 KLSQ; 1100 KWWN; or 1540 KENT - the more
          powerful ones, 5, 10, 25 or 50 kW.

          U S A. No luck on daytime MWDX during the Eclipse, 1620-1640 Oct
          14. Drove NW of Enid but could not get far enough to escape horrible
          line noise. Would have required advance scouting even further for
          quietude. At least we saw the bite projected thru a pinhole; vs a
          shiversome windchill.

          WORLD OF RADIO 2211 contents: Antarctica, Botswana, Brasil, Canada,
          Cuba, Egypt, France, Germany, Indonesia, (International Vacuum), Japan
          and non, Kurdistan non, Kuwait, Liberia, (Lithuania), Maldives non,
          México, North America, Romania, Switzerland non, Thailand, Turkey,
          Ukraine, (UAE), UKQOGBANI, USA, Vanuatu; Eclipse events; propagation
          outlook (Countries mentioned along with others not in order)

          WOR 2211 available from 0215 Friday October 6:
          (mp3 stream)
          (mp3 download)
          Or via
          Also linx to podcast services.

          Also confirmed at 1941 about 3 minutes into so started circa 1938
          after ARRL News on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, S9 into nearby MO SDR, Saturday
          October 7.

          Confirmed Sunday October 8 at 0311 about 4 minutes into so started
          circa 0307 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, S9+15 into nearby MO SDR.

          WORLD OF RADIO 2212 contents: Antarctica, Canada, Cuba, France,
          Germany, India, Iran, Israel and non, Korea South, Lebanon,
          (Lithuania), Mayotte, North America, (Palestine non), Perú,
          Pridnestrovye, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland non, Turkey,
          Ukraine, UK, USA, Vanuatu, Venezombia, (solar storms); propagation
          outlook - (countries mentioned along with others not in order)

          WOR 2212 available from 0123 Friday October 13:
          (mp3 stream)
          (mp3 download)
          Or via
          Also linx to podcast services.

          Confirmed from 1935 the 1930v on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S7/S9 into
          nearby SDR, Saturday October 14.

          Also confirmed Sunday October 15 at 0317 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO,
          about 8 minutes into so started early circa 0309.

          Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn Hauser​



            All times and dates strictly UT!

            Rx: NRD-545 with 100` E-W longwire;
            IC-R75 with Wellbrook loop E/W or
            N-S interior shortwire.
            DX-398 with internal antenna only;
            Nissan stock caradio as specified.
            Or remote receivers when specified.

            These logs are excerpts from my daily
            all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also
            VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham,
            which may be found in several archives
            without much delay, such as


            Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
            all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

            Yes, I know MW starts at 300 kHz, but may include LW
            beacons below that for sake of completeness. It also
            extends above to 3000 kHz. I also include reports of
            harmonix originating with MW stations.

            ** CANADA. 362 MCW kHz, Oct 17 at 0611 UT, dash and SB, 500 watt ND
            beacon at Greater Sudbury, Ont.

            346 MCW kHz, Oct 17 at 0714 UT, dash and YXL, 500 watt NDB at Sioux
            Lookout, Ont. Tough copy but must be this regular (Glenn Hauser, OK,

            ** OKLAHOMA. 255 MCW kHz, Oct 18 at 0645 UT, NDB in Stillwater, SW, is
            JBA: reconfirmed on, but nowhere near the signal it once had (Glenn
            Hauser, OK, WOR)

            ** U S A. 293 MCW kHz, Oct 18 at 0645, FBY, NDB in Fairbury NE, is JBA
            (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

            ** U S A. 365 MCW kHz, Oct 17 at 0704 UT, ND beacon SYZ, new one for
            me, 25 watts at Shelbyville IL. Same frequency where recently heard
            AA, Fargo/Harwood ND, but places it in Minnesota
            (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

            ** U S A. 1130, Oct 18 at 1512 UT, YL DJ on KLEY Wellington KS with
            slogan in passing as ``The Wave``, NOT ``Red Dirt Country`` as in
            2023-2024 NRC AM Log, and rock rather than country (Glenn Hauser, OK,

            WORLD OF RADIO 2213 contents: Australia, Brasil, Canada, China,
            Colombia, Cuba, East Turkistan, (El Salvador non), Eritrea non, India,
            Indonesia and non, Israel, (Japan non), Kaliningrad, (Korea North
            non), (Madagascar), México, New Zealand, (Nigeria), North America,
            Perú, Russia and non, Sa`udi Arabia, Scotland and non, Taiwan, UAE,
            UK, USA, (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu, (Yemen non); propagation outlook -
            (countries mentioned along with others not in order)

            WOR 2213 available from 0133 UT Friday October 20:
            (mp3 stream)
            (mp3 download)

            Or via
            Also linx to podcast services.

            Also confirmed Saturday October 21 at 1948 about 17 minutes into so
            started circa 1931 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9+16 into nearby SDR. Also
            the 1930s on WRMI webcast-only and WRN North America stream.

            Also confirmed UT Sunday October 22 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9+15 into
            nearby SDR, already at 0300, about 20 minutes into so started way
            early circa 0240, the nominal 0315v, so would have been finished by
            0310; Vern has to insert his own ID every dekaminute, often
            interrupting a word or thought of mine. He also has to cut my opening
            billboard to minimize the amount of music relayed; but is it OK if
            there be music on a clip? I don`t let that influence what I may

            UNIDENTIFIED. 1430 kHz, Oct 16 at 0233 UT, strong open carrier/dead
            air dominating at S9+10, occasional dips to S9. No stations in OK or
            nearby have favorable night patterns thisaway, but several ND day
            patterns + failure to modulate make this intriguing (Glenn Hauser, OK,

            Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn Hauser


              These logs are excerpts from my daily
              all-band reports, mainly SWBC,
              also VHF/UHF, sometimes utility, ham,
              which may be found in several
              archives without much delay, such as

              All times and dates strictly UT. Rx:
              NRD-545 with 100-foot E-W longwire;
              DX-398 with internal antenna
              only; IC-R75 with ALA-330S
              inside E-W or inside randomwire N-S;
              Nissan stock caradio as specified;
              Or remote receivers when specified.


              Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
              all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

              UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search: whoopee, the
              `season` is back, able to detect a few on two receivers, three
              different antennas; despite line and other noise levels, Oct 16 at
              0231 on 855, 1044 and two beating on 1053. At 0247, 855 and 828. At
              0305, 855 and 1053. Not making any airtight claims, but: 855 & 828
              both have 100 kW Ethiopians. 855 more likely RNE Spain synchros. 1044
              has 10 & 20 kW from Spain but 200 kW from Ethiopia. 1053 Talksport UK
              synchros up to 500 kW, but also 50 kW Ethiopia -- the country common
              to all 4 frequencies. WRTH 2023 has no sked info, but this would be
              around 6 am local, likely to be on air and skipping out westward circa
              sunrise. MWlist shows 828 // 855 // 1044 all R. Ethiopia, 24h. 1053
              is R. Oromiya not until *0400, but Talksport is 24h.

              Method: I scan the entire MW band with the new R75 set at 9 kHz steps,
              USB tuning 1 kHz below each: thus, 1 kHz tones/hets on TA frequencies
              stand out except of course those ending in -0 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

              UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Oct 17 at 0652,
              obvious het direct from 711 kHz when tuned to 710, likely this as in
              mwlist: ``AOE SNRT Al Idaâ Al Amazighia El Aaiún 24h Laâyoune=El Aaiún
              300 kW languages: Tamazight (Berber), Tachelhit, Rifain, ar // 936``
              --- AOE as country means Spanish West Africa - hardly anymore, rather
              WESTERN SAHARA but occupied by MOROCCO imperialism, their station. At
              this late hour, far more likely than lower-powereds further into
              Africa, Europe, ME (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

              UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search October 18 at
              0111-0120 UT. This time on the NRD-545 which doesn`t tune in 9-kHz
              steps - or if it can, I don`t know how; rather than the IC-R75, so I
              have to manually go in USB to 1 kHz below some of them, and do get
              some hits, not in exact order tuned: 684, 711, 774-2 beating, 855,
              891, 909-strongest, 999-2, 1053, 1107 kHz. Likely from Spain, Western
              Sahara, Algeria, UKQOGBANI (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

              UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Oct 20 at
              0329-0334, on the R75 with N/S interior shortwire: 1566?, 1044, 999,
              855-2=strongest, 774-2, 711, 585, 576, 531 kHz.

              Then I switch to the Wellbrook loop aimed E/W and get slightly better
              results tuning back upward at 0334-0342: 531, 576-2, 639-2, 684, 711,
              729, 774, 855-2, 882-2, 909, 954, 999, 1017, 1026, 1044, 1107-2, 1125,
              1296, 1305-2, 1422, 1503, 1521 kHz. -2 means at least 2 carriers

              Might have pulled a few more, but all the splash from obstructive
              North Americans on 10/kHz channels is fierce. Here in deep North
              America, with my ordinary equipment, getting any axual TA audio is
              rare. But hey, a signal is a signal, making the trip. Many of these
              I`m sure are Spain but there are some intriguing other possibilities
              listed I won`t go into now.

              Trans-Pacific: 846, R. Kiribati, Kiritimati, so far have not detected
              this, if on the air? Would be audible as early as 0430 at least into
              Hawaii SDR, and of course direct long after TAs absorbed in daytime;
              anyway, nothing over 3 kW in Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

              ** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, R. Kiribati: still not getting any trace of it
              direct; so I am trying via Oahu SDR which last season got it as early
              at 0430 UT, circa sunset there and on Xmas Island to the south: Oct 21
              at 0435, nothing audible or visible on the H2Ofall, yet SAM synch lox
              onto a carrier displaying +0.4 to +1.1 Hz averaging +0.8. Don`t see
              how it could be anything else from Pacific or Asia, let alone Europe.
              At next chex 0523 & 0555, there is a JBV fuzzy carrier, still nothing
              audible, and variation slightly greater, plus/minus 2 Hz. Some or all
              of that could be instability of receiver; or partly transmitter; or
              unstable propagation. Will keep checking periodically. June 8 at 0658
              was the last time I logged a JJBBA carrier direct (Glenn Hauser, OK,

              UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Oct 21 at
              0418-0425 UT, on Wellbrook loop E/W into R75: 531, 558-2, 576, 585,
              612-2, 621, 639, 657, 684, 711*, 774-2, 837, 855*, 882, 972-2, 999,
              1098, 1107-2, 1332, 1422 kHz. *strongest; -2 = at least two carriers
              beating. Impossible on any frequencies ending in -0, next toughest
              those in -9 with USB step tuning 1 kHz below. See also KIRITIMATI
              (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

              WORLD OF RADIO 2210 contents: Antarctica, Argentina non, Canada,
              Colombia [and non?], Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechia, France, Germany,
              (Italy), Kurdistan non, Netherlands, North America, (Oklahoma),
              Romania, Russia, Spain, Swaziland, Turkey, UAE, UKQOGBANI, USA,
              (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu; propagation outlook - (countries mentioned
              along with others not in order)

              WOR 2210 available from 0130 UT Friday September 29:
              (mp3 stream)
              (mp3 download)

              Or via
              Also linx to podcast services.

              ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2210 monitoring: confirmed Friday
              September 29 at 2054 the 2030 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz only,
              S9+10/13 into nearby Noale SDR, and for a change no CCI, so Smooth
              Radio, Brighton, England, UKQOGBANI, may have already closed down
              forever. 2059 usual false s/off, 2100 Feature Story News, 2108 start
              `The Shortwave Report` again with Dan Roberts, but bound to be chopped
              off air in a few more minutes. Yup, -2111.7*, and still nothing else
              on open frequency.

              WORLD OF RADIO 2210 monitoring: confirmed Sunday October 1 at 2000 on
              IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9+10/25 into nearby Noale SDR, with
              lite ripple SAH CCI just like before from Smooth Radio, England, which
              I was not getting 48h earlier, and was reported in Oct MW News, to
              have turned off abruptly, before WOR time on Friday, back on now?:

              ``Smooth Radio 29 September 2023 --- The two sites closed at Bexhill
              945, and Brighton (Southwick) 1323 on Friday 29th September.
              Transmitters were switched off abruptly with no closedown or retune
              announcement. 1323 switch off at 1055 UT:``

              WORLD OF RADIO 2211 contents: Antarctica, Botswana, Brasil, Canada,
              Cuba, Egypt, France, Germany, Indonesia, (International Vacuum), Japan
              and non, Kurdistan non, Kuwait, Liberia, (Lithuania), Maldives non,
              México, North America, Romania, Switzerland non, Thailand, Turkey,
              Ukraine, (UAE), UKQOGBANI, USA, Vanuatu; Eclipse events; propagation
              outlook (Countries mentioned along with others not in order)

              WORLD OF RADIO 2211 ready early UT Friday October 6, and for first
              SWBC at 2200 on WRMI 9955, if that still exist.

              WOR 2211 available from 0215 UT Friday October 6:
              (mp3 stream)
              (mp3 download)

              ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2211 monitoring: confirmed Friday
              October 6 after 2030 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9+12 into
              nearby Noale SDR, and no CC QRM, England finally gone.

              ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2211 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
              October 8 at 2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz only, S9+10/12
              into nearby Noale SDR; with lite CCI singing, sorta Qur`anish, from
              what? if Smooth Radio, England begone? mwlist: IRIB Radio Tabriz
              1820-2020 azeri -- and with 50 kW per WRTH 2023. Seems off by 2022 and
              then no signal into Kuwait SDR. So our other airing on 1323, Friday
              from 2030 would be after Iran closes. There could still be a 30-watter
              on 1323 from UK.

              WORLD OF RADIO 2212 contents: Antarctica, Canada, Cuba, France,
              Germany, India, Iran, Israel and non, Korea South, Lebanon,
              (Lithuania), Mayotte, North America, (Palestine non), Perú,
              Pridnestrovye, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland non, Turkey,
              Ukraine, UK, USA, Vanuatu, Venezombia, (solar storms); propagation
              outlook - (countries mentioned along with others not in order)

              WOR 2212 available from 0123 UT Friday October 13:
              (mp3 stream)
              (mp3 download)

              ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2212 monitoring: confirmed Friday
              October 13 at 2046 the 2030 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz,
              S9+10/12 into nearby Noale SDR; and NO QRM: Romania, Iran, England
              must all be off.

              ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2212 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
              October 15 at 2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz only, S9+17 with
              slight QRM from understation, Qur`an? so Iran sked until 2020. Also
              confirmed on WRN to Europe webcast and WRMI webcast.

              WORLD OF RADIO 2213 contents: Australia, Brasil, Canada, China,
              Colombia, Cuba, East Turkistan, (El Salvador non), Eritrea non, India,
              Indonesia and non, Israel, (Japan non), Kaliningrad, (Korea North
              non), (Madagascar), México, New Zealand, (Nigeria), North America,
              Perú, Russia and non, Sa`udi Arabia, Scotland and non, Taiwan, UAE,
              UK, USA, (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu, (Yemen non); propagation outlook -
              (countries mentioned along with others not in order)

              WOR 2213 available from 0133 UT Friday October 20:
              (mp3 stream)
              (mp3 download)

              Or via
              Also linx to podcast services.

              Confirmed Friday October 20 at 2030 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323
              kHz, S9+10/20 into nearby Noale SDR, but with considerable pop music
              CCI! Only other thing listed on at this hour by mwlist is 30 watts
              from Leeds, UKQOGBANI; or has Smooth Radio resumed? It`s even worse by
              2100 and definitely in Hungarian, so Romania`s 15 kW minority service
              must have been expanded past 1900, or 2000?

              ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2213 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
              October 22 at 2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz only, still not
              908 or 207; S9+17 into nearby Noale SDR, Qur`anRM barely audible under
              from Iran, but unlike yesterday, no Hungarian heard from Romania. Also
              confirmed at same time on WRN Europe webcast, and on WRMI webcast-only
              (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

              Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn


                International, Oct 23-29, 2023:

                These logs are excerpts from my daily
                all-band reports, mainly SWBC,
                also VHF/UHF, sometimes utility, ham,
                which may be found in several
                archives without much delay, such as

                All times and dates strictly UT. Rx:
                NRD-545 with 100-foot E-W longwire;
                DX-398 with internal antenna
                only; IC-R75 with ALA-330S
                inside E-W or inside randomwire N-S;
                Nissan stock caradio as specified;
                Or remote receivers when specified.


                Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
                all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

                ** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Oct 23 at 0446, still trying to get R.
                Kiribati via Oahu SDR: nothing visible on waterfall, but SynchAM tries
                to lock onto signal plus/minus ~2 Hz. 24h earlier this was displaying
                a line at 846 but appeared to be boundary of something rather than a
                genuine signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                ** KIRITIMATI [non]. 846 kHz, re my not hearing carrier from R.
                Kiribati direct, and no more than an uncertain trace sometimes at Oahu
                SDR: ``Glenn - Here at Asilomar State Beach, have also noted no signal
                at all recently on 846 kHz. Conditions have been fairly good, as on
                Oct 22 (Sunday), actually had some rare audio on 1017 kHz, perhaps
                from Tonga, at 0701 UT, with religious singing; normally I only hear
                with a carrier. Ron (California)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                ** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Oct 26 at 0508, another try to detect R.
                Kiribati into Oahu SDR: nothing audible or visible on the H2Ofall, but
                SAM claims to lock on to an 846 varying plus/minus 4 Hz. Could it
                really be on but very QRP? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2214)

                WORLD OF RADIO 2214 contents: Australia, Canada, China, Cuba,
                (Czechia), Egypt, France, Germany, India, *Iran, Ireland non, Israel,
                *Japan, Kiritimati, *Korea South and non, Myanmar, Netherlands, *New
                Zealand, Perú, *Romania, Russia and non, *Scotland non, (Slovakia),
                *Spain, Sweden, *Turkey, Ukraine, (UAE), UK, USA; propagation outlook;
                *with new B23 schedules - (countries mentioned along with others not
                in order)

                WOR 2214 available from 0138 UT Friday October 27:
                (mp3 stream)
                (mp3 download)

                Or via
                Also linx to podcast services.

                WORLD OF RADIO 2214 monitoring: Confirmed Friday October 27 at 2030 on
                IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, fair into Parma SDR and can hear no
                CCI = co-channel interference. From next week this should be at 2130.

                ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2214 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
                October 29 at 2100 ex-2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9+15
                into nearby SDR, atop some CCI talk, can`t make out language, but
                Romania or something schedule also probably shifted an hour later
                (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                update for non-DST in Europe:
                non-DST in North America will be in effect Nov 5

                UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic just-barely-audible MW carrier search,
                October 24 at 0330-0335 on the E/W loop: 576, 612, 621, 639, 774-2,
                855*strongest, 891?, 999, 1044, 1098, 1125, 1296, 1305, 1413 kHz.
                Notably missing: 711 from WESTERN SAHARA occupied by Morocco.
                Correlating with this posted at 0711 UT Oct 24:

                ``[bdxc-news] 711 kHz Morocco --- 711 kHz SNRT Laayoune Morocco has
                been putting a good signal into Playa Blanca Lanzarote but with very
                poor modulation. It normally makes it very difficult for me to receive
                WOR New York 710 kHz. This morning 711 kHz noted off, maybe for
                maintenance and excellent reception of WOR from 06.30 as I type at
                07.10 just starting to fade but still audible. 73 John Hoad, Elad
                FDM-DUOr (Stand Alone) + Wellbrook ALA1530LNP, Playa Blanca, Lanzarote
                {Canary Islands}`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Oct 25 at 0653:
                684, 711*strongest so WESTERN SAHARA is back on; 774, 837, 855 kHz.
                The others likely SPAIN (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Oct 26 at 0225 UT,
                on the E/W longwire into NRD-545: Tnx to Canadians Richard Langley and
                Peter Laws for leading me to the manual instruxions on 9/10 kHz but it
                is too complicated to change its tuning steps, unlike simply on the
                R75, so this is not a thorough bandscan, rather picking several likely
                frequencies to punch individually 1 kHz below in USB to hear a 1 kHz
                het = carrier; not in the order tuned over the next few minutes:

                531-2, 576-2, 595**, 621, 639-2, 684, 711-NOT, 774, 801, 855-2, 882,
                891, 999, 1107-2, 1305-2, 1422, 1539. Likely mostly Algeria, Spain.

                **595 rather than 594 strongly implies the off-frequency SNRT Oujda,
                MOROCCO, 50 kW per mwlist, altho supposedly off air at 01-04.

                Later at 0320-0328 UT Oct 26 on the R75 with E/W Wellbrook loop: 531,
                549*, 576-2, 639, 657, 684*, 693, 702, 711-NOT, 738, 747, 774-2, 837,
                855*, 882, 891, 963!=3 kHz from 960 local, 999, 1026, 1044, 1089,
                1107-3, 1116, 1125, 1296, 1413, 1476, 1512; 1710=TIS or pirate?
                *strongest. -3 = more than 2 carriers beating.

                963! most likely would be 100 kW from Tunisia per mwlist. There are
                also 50 kW or more on Cyprus, Iran, Sudan, Mozambique; nothing
                significant in Europe. DXers in the Atlantic Northeast were getting
                plenty of TA modulation on MW (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2214)

                UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Oct 27 at
                0332-0340 UT on the R75 with E/W loop: 531, 576, 612*, 684*, 711, 774,
                855, 891, 909, 999, 1044, 1098-2, 1107-3, 1125, 1305-2, 1413, 1449,
                1611 kHz. *strongest; -3 more than two carriers beating.

                Per mwlist, nothing significant in Europe on 1449, but 200 kW from
                Jeddah, Sa`udi Arabia; or less likely 400 kW from Iran (Glenn Hauser,
                OK, WOR)

                UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Oct 28 at
                0514-0531 on the NRD-545 with E/W longwire: this time I laboriously
                punch each of almost all 9/kHz channels minus one in USB. I started
                downwards from 855, then upwards from there but here put in order:
                603, 612, 621, 639, *684, 702, 711, 747-2, 774-2, 801-2, 837, *855-2;
                864, 882, 891, 936-2, 963, 999, 1017, 1044, 1098, 1107-2, 1125,
                1152-2, 1296, 1305-2, 1314, 1413, 1422. *strongest, likely both Spain
                and many of the others. -2 = at least two carriers beating.

                Above 1422, I hit only two anomalies, off-frequency approx. 1467.3 and
                1565.13. Mwoffsets has Iran on 1467.39, but nothing that far below
                1566. These could be local receiver birdies; or spurs from US
                station(s). If matching from one station it would be exactly halfway
                between them: 1516.215 = very unlikely as nothing there. Does anyone
                else get carriers on those? Could also be Latin American variants
                (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Oct 29 from 0302
                UT, vs hi storm noise level, on the R75 with loop: 531, 774-2, 855-2,
                891, 1098, 1107, 1116, 1125, 1134 ---

                AND 1548 kHz at 0309, much stronger than the others but no audio-ible;
                slight fades unlike something local. Right on 1548.00 to my ear. The
                only two bigsigs on 1548 in Eurasia are R. Farda, 600 kW via Kuwait;
                and TWR Europe, 500 kW via Pridnestrovye, but mwlist, WRTH Update and
                EiBi show both on air only in local evenings, not mornings.
                Nevertheless possibly one of them testing, and no signal at next check
                circa 0325.

                Another TA bandscan at 0321: 585, *684, 693, 774-2, 837, 855-2, 891,
                1008, 1098, 1107, 1305; and something offset below 1494, nothing
                listed (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn


                  Domestic, Oct 23-29, 2023:

                  All times and dates strictly UT!

                  Rx: NRD-545 with 100` E-W longwire;
                  IC-R75 with Wellbrook loop E/W or
                  N-S interior shortwire.
                  DX-398 with internal antenna only;
                  Nissan stock caradio as specified.
                  Or remote receivers when specified.

                  These logs are excerpts from my daily
                  all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also
                  VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham,
                  which may be found in several archives
                  without much delay, such as


                  Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
                  all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

                  Yes, I know MW starts at 300 kHz, but may include LW
                  beacons below that for sake of completeness. It also
                  extends above to 3000 kHz. I also include reports of
                  harmonix originating with MW stations.

                  ** CANADA. 2749 USB, Oct 29 at 0314 UT, S9 marine weather by YL voice
                  in French, my first log this season of Canadian Coast Guard MW
                  broadcasts. shows the latest
                  transmission on 2749 starts at 0240 from VCS-21, 1500 watts, Halifax
                  NS, but not flagged as bilingual. DST is still in effect, but never
                  clear to me whether these stay at same local clock time or same real Z
                  time. Nothing heard now or yet on 2598 USB, from the further
                  Newfoundland area (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                  ** U S A. 2097.3 CW, Oct 26 at 0333, NOT heard single-letter beacon A,
                  every dekasecond from anywhere but Quartzsite AZ; also several other
                  chex lately, so wonder if no longer active (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                  WORLD OF RADIO 2214 contents: Australia, Canada, China, Cuba,
                  (Czechia), Egypt, France, Germany, India, *Iran, Ireland non, Israel,
                  *Japan, Kiritimati, *Korea South and non, Myanmar, Netherlands, *New
                  Zealand, Perú, *Romania, Russia and non, *Scotland non, (Slovakia),
                  *Spain, Sweden, *Turkey, Ukraine, (UAE), UK, USA; propagation outlook;
                  *with new B23 schedules - (countries mentioned along with others not
                  in order)

                  WOR 2214 available from 0138 UT Friday October 27:
                  (mp3 stream)
                  (mp3 download)

                  Or via
                  Also linx to podcast services.

                  Also confirmed Saturday October 28 from 1928 UT on WA0RCR, 1860 AM,
                  MO, VG S9+18 into nearby SDR.

                  Not confirmed UT Sunday October 29 between 0300 and 0605 on WA0RCR,
                  1860 AM, MO into nearby SDR; nominal time 0315. This Week in Amateur
                  Radio seemed to go on forever; I should catch WOR if I check at least
                  once every 25 minutes. One ham radio news item was about the SAQ
                  upcoming Oct 24 transmission.

                  WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULES
                  update for non-DST in Europe:
                  non-DST in North America will be in effect Nov 5

                  UNIDENTIFIED. 1210 kHz, Oct 25 at 0701 UT, CBS News with audio
                  dropouts every second or two; figured it would be WPHT Philadelphia,
                  but KGYN Guymon OK is also with CBS per NRC AM Log. KGYN tends do
                  dominate here despite supposedly nulling toward WPHT (Glenn Hauser,
                  OK, WOR)

                  ** OKLAHOMA. 275 MCW kHz, Oct 26 at 0331 UT, GUY, 25-watt ND beacon at
                  GUYmon. Seldom heard this distant Okie, last logged Feb 3, 2022. So
                  JBA at first 0316 that it seemed MSY or MUY; the last dot of G, --.
                  not very prominent. This is a good time to extract all the OKs from
                  for own reference; some of which I have never heard; 25 watts u.o.s.

                  201 BV Bartlesville
                  255 SW Stillwater
                  267 HET Henryetta
                  275 GUY Guymon
                  278 SRE Seminole
                  338 TU Tulsa 30
                  341 EI Enid
                  350 RG OKC 400 decommissioned
                  385 LB Liberal KS across state line
                  388 OK Okmulgee
                  393 BZ Burns Flat / Foss
                  400 AI Ardmore 30
                  515 PN Ponca City
                  (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

                  Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn Hauser


                    Domestic, Oct 30-Nov 5:

                    All times and dates strictly UT!

                    Rx: NRD-545 with 100` E-W longwire;
                    IC-R75 with Wellbrook loop E/W or
                    N-S interior shortwire.
                    DX-398 with internal antenna only;
                    Nissan stock caradio as specified.
                    Or remote receivers when specified.

                    These logs are excerpts from my daily
                    all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also
                    VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham,
                    which may be found in several archives
                    without much delay, such as


                    Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
                    all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

                    Yes, I know MW starts at 300 kHz, but may include LW
                    beacons below that for sake of completeness. It also
                    extends above to 3000 kHz. I also include reports of
                    harmonix originating with MW stations.

                    ** CANADA. 940, Oct 30 at 0701 UT, Canadian news, so CBM Montréal?
                    Dominating on my E/W longwire: but NOT // 990 CBW, and also mentions
                    Canadian Press, so it`s the only other non-LPRT, CJGX Yorkton SK, U2
                    50/10 kW. And CBM is long-gone! Now 940 in PQ is CFNV, U4 50/50 in
                    French (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                    ** U S A. 356 MCW kHz, Nov 3 at 0704 UT, ND beacon ODX is JBA vs S9
                    line noise level here which is worst on LW, making it a struggle to
                    hear any beacons. 25 watts from Ord, Nebraska (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                    UNIDENTIFIED. 408 kHz, Nov 5 at 0311, JBA carrier detected here, most
                    likely JDM, 25 watts at Colby/Wheatfield, NW corner of KS, as the
                    only two others are in WA & AB. Only NDB I can detect vs line noise
                    level, except from OK 341 EI and 515 PN. At least the storm noise
                    level has dropped. Normally would detect 407, 25 watt HRU Herington
                    KS, closer (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                    ** U S A. 1682.7 & 1637.3 approx., Nov 3 at 0700 UT, matching
                    spurblobs, both about 22.7 kHz from 1660, i.e. out of WTOU ``The
                    Touch``, Kalamazoo, as recently discussed in this IRCA thread:
                    The lower one obscured here by local on 1640 (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK,

                    ** U S A. 1682.7 & 1637.3 approx., Nov 5 at 0306 UT, spurblobs from
                    1660 WTOU Kalamazoo are still there as heard direct; while 1660
                    itself is primarily occupied here by KWOD Kansas City KS (Glenn
                    Hauser, OK, WOR)

                    WORLD OF RADIO 2215 contents: *B23 schedules, Andorra non, Antarctica,
                    Argentina non, Canada, China, Cuba and non, Egypt, Europe, Finland and
                    non, France, (Germany), *India, Indonesia, International Internet,
                    Israel non, (Japan), *Korea South, Korea North and non, (Kuwait),
                    Madagascar, North America, Palestine non, Perú, (Poland),
                    (Pridnestrovye), Taiwan, (Tajikistan), Thailand, Tibet non, UK, *USA,
                    (Western Sahara); unIDs 1548 & 6300; propagation outlook - (countries
                    mentioned along with others not in order)

                    WOR 2215 available from 0043 UT Friday November 3:
                    (mp3 stream)
                    (mp3 download)

                    Or via
                    Also linx to podcast services.

                    ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2215 monitoring:
                    Also confirmed Saturday November 4 at 1930 UT, right on time via
                    WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, VG into nearby SDR; from next week will be at
                    2030 UT. Also on WRMI webcast-only; but not on WRN Europe stream,
                    rather Poland now, and WOR presumably at 2030, not checked.

                    Also confirmed UT Sunday November 5 at 0355 about 15 minutes into, so
                    started circa 0340, WA0RCR, 1860 AM, S9+18 into nearby MO SDR. From
                    next week nominal time 0415 but could start as early as 0330.

                    Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn Hauser


                      International, Oct 30-Nov 5:

                      These logs are excerpts from my daily
                      all-band reports, mainly SWBC,
                      also VHF/UHF, sometimes utility, ham,
                      which may be found in several
                      archives without much delay, such as

                      All times and dates strictly UT. Rx:
                      NRD-545 with 100-foot E-W longwire;
                      DX-398 with internal antenna
                      only; IC-R75 with ALA-330S
                      inside E-W or inside randomwire N-S;
                      Nissan stock caradio as specified;
                      Or remote receivers when specified.


                      Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
                      all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

                      UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carriers: not searched whole band
                      amid S9+20 line noise level but manage to detect a couple, Nov 2 at
                      0640 UT, no doubt SPAIN, 855-2 and 1044 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                      UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier check Nov 3 at 0710 UT:
                      JBA on 621 and 711 kHz, surely RNE Canarias and neighborly Moroccan
                      from occupied ``Spanish West Africa`` as in mwlist. Such ending in --1
                      are axually easier to spot than further splits, since the --0 N
                      American stations provide no splash and quieten the frequency when
                      tuning USB. Same would apply to those in --9 if I ever tuned in LSB
                      (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                      UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carriers, Nov 4 at 0536, picking
                      some likely spots to tune USB 1 kHz below: 531, 684, 711, 774, 855,
                      999, 1125 - likely Algeria, Spain, Western Sahara (Glenn Hauser, OK,

                      WORLD OF RADIO 2215 contents: *B23 schedules, Andorra non, Antarctica,
                      Argentina non, Canada, China, Cuba and non, Egypt, Europe, Finland and
                      non, France, (Germany), *India, Indonesia, International Internet,
                      Israel non, (Japan), *Korea South, Korea North and non, (Kuwait),
                      Madagascar, North America, Palestine non, Perú, (Poland),
                      (Pridnestrovye), Taiwan, (Tajikistan), Thailand, Tibet non, UK, *USA,
                      (Western Sahara); unIDs 1548 & 6300; propagation outlook - (countries
                      mentioned along with others not in order)

                      WOR 2215 available from 0043 UT Friday November 3:
                      (mp3 stream)
                      (mp3 download)

                      Or via
                      Also linx to podcast services.

                      ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2215 monitoring: confirmed Friday
                      November 3 at 2157 the 2130 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9+17
                      into nearby Noale SDR, and no CCI audible; new shifted time. However,
                      some storm crashes from NW Greece/SerboCroatia coast right across
                      Adriatic. Flooding in Tuscany must not have reached to Villa Estense.

                      ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2215 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
                      November 5 at 2100 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9+17 into
                      nearby Noale SDR. No co-channel QRM. At same time also confirmed on
                      WRN Europe webcast; and on WRMI webcast-only (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                      Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn



                        These logs are excerpts from my daily
                        all-band reports, mainly SWBC,
                        also VHF/UHF, sometimes utility, ham,
                        which may be found in several
                        archives without much delay, such as

                        All times and dates strictly UT. Rx:
                        NRD-545 with 100-foot E-W longwire;
                        DX-398 with internal antenna
                        only; IC-R75 with ALA-330S
                        inside E-W or inside randomwire N-S;
                        Nissan stock caradio as specified;
                        Or remote receivers when specified.

                        GLENN HAUSER`S WEEKLY LOG ROUNDUPS

                        Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
                        all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

                        Intrnational, November 6-12:

                        ** KIRITIMATI. Bruce Conti, NRC IDXD ed., replies to my obs that 846
                        carrier is not being heard direct nor at Kaneohe, Oahu, KiwiSDR which
                        used to hear it well:

                        ``AsiaWaves lists R. Kiribati schedule 0000-0130, 0500-1005,
                        1825-2030, mwlist 0000-0130, 0530-0936 [12456], 1800-2000, and the
                        September 2023 Pacific-Asian Log lists 0000-0130, 0500-0935,
                        1630-2030. [Conti]``

                        Well, 846 was certainly on air by 0430 if not earlier, last year, and
                        it`s not clear if these listings be current. 1440 entry in Asiawaves
                        is dated Jan 2020; and for 846, Oct 2020. Also, same UT sked for 1440
                        and 846 which are 2 timezones apart?? Is 846 a 100% relay // 1440? PAL
                        explicitly states they are not //; but both off the air 0130-0500.
                        I`ll certainly check Oahu later from 0500 or even 0530. If they are
                        not //, why should each reference claim exactly the same timespans for
                        both despite two timezones apart? I don`t find any Pacific in mwlist,
                        hidden? Is Oahu or anyone hearing 846 deeper in the night to -0935,
                        -0936 or -1005? Hardly ever any audio. It could also be that the
                        carrier sometimes? stays on during the silent hours. That would not be
                        reported as part of the schedule. It may really be totally off the
                        air. Oahu remote at 0530 Nov 6 shows no 846 on waterfall yet suggests
                        there is an inaudible signal fluxuating between -4.8 and +1.2 Hz. No
                        different at 0600. I suspect that be a drawback of the SDR.

                        Casually, one may not realize how far East K. is from West K:
                        ``The islands extend about 3,900 km (about 2,400 mi) from east to
                        west. From north to south they extend about 2,100 km (about 1,300 mi),
                        straddling the equator. 4,468 mi {statute?} Distance from My Location
                        (Enid, OK) to Kiribati`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                        WORLD OF RADIO 2216 contents: *Alaska, Albania, Algeria, Antarctica,
                        China, (Cyprus), Europe, Germany, *Guam, India, Israel, Korea South,
                        (Lithuania), (Madagascar), México, Netherlands, New Zealand, North
                        America, Palestine non, Romania, *Russia, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka
                        and non, *Thailand, (Tunisia), Turkey, Ukraine non, UK and non, USA,
                        *Vatican and non, Vietnam non; ignition noise; propagation outlook
                        *with B23 schedules (countries mentioned with others not in order)

                        WOR 2216 available from 0252 UT Friday November 10:
                        (mp3 stream)
                        (mp3 download)

                        ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2216 monitoring: add (Tunisia) to
                        contents. Confirmed Friday November 10 at 2130 on IRRS SW via AM
                        Italia, 1323 kHz only, still not on 918 or 207, ever? S9+10/20 into
                        nearby Noale SDR but with considerable pop music CCI. Certainly not
                        Iran nor 30 watts in UK, per MWlist leaving only this on extended
                        schedule; unless an unlisted pirate, unlikely:

                        ``ROU SRR Radio Târgu Mureș Minorități/Marosvásárhelyi Rádió/Radio
                        Neumarkt SRR Marosvásárhelyi Rádió 0345-0500 hu [SaSu], SRR
                        Marosvásárhelyi Rádió 0345-1900 hu [Mo-Fr], SRR Radio Târgu Mureș
                        Minorități 0500-0600 rom [SaSu], SRR Marosvásárhelyi Rádió 0600-1800
                        hu [Su], SRR Marosvásárhelyi Rádió 0600-1900 hu [Sa], SRR Radio
                        Neumarkt 1900-2000 de [Mo-Sa] Târgu Mureș/Ernei * 15 {kW} Harris
                        DX-15 tx // 1197 1593 live audio; ``

                        UNIDENTIFIED. 711 kHz, Nov 10 at 0439, JBA carrier, no doubt Morocco`s
                        in occupied WESTERN SAHARA. Cursory check of 531-1044 kHz finds only
                        this TA, no Algerians 531 or 891, no Spaniards on 684, 774, 1044
                        (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                        International, Nov 12-19

                        ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2216 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
                        November 12 at 2100 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9+10 into
                        nearby Noale SDR, this time with NO QRM: can only assume the Romanian
                        station extends a different schedule on Sundays than Fridays.

                        WORLD OF RADIO 2217 contents: (Armenia), Brasil, Bulgaria, China,
                        Colombia and non, Denmark, East Turkistan, Eritrea non, Europe,
                        Greece, India, Ireland and Northern, Israel non, Japan, Korea South,
                        Kurdistan non, (Madagascar), México, Netherlands, North America,
                        Oklahoma, (Russia), Sa`udi Arabia, Sudan South non, Turkey, (Ukraine),
                        USA, (Yemen non); unidentified 5845; propagation outlook - (countries
                        mentioned along with others not in order)

                        WOR 2217 available from 0143 UT Friday November 17:
                        (mp3 stream)
                        (mp3 download)

                        Or via
                        Also linx to podcast services.

                        ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2217 monitoring: confirmed Friday
                        November 17 at 2140 the 2130 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9/S8
                        into UTwente remote, reaching across Europe, no need to check nearby
                        Noale SDR as usual. NO co-channel QRM and quite readable with some
                        fades; ACI splash from S9+10 Spanish on 1314, i.e. three RNE Radio 5
                        synchros of 25 +10 + 10 = 45 kW. Also confirmed at same time almost
                        synchro on WRMI webcast only.

                        UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, not a total 9/kHz
                        bandscan, Nov 19 at 0321: 1107, 1098, 1089, 891, 855, 621 kHz. Another
                        at 0749: only 855, 774, surely Spain this late (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                        UNIDENTIFIED. 610, Nov 15 at 0657 UT, Mexmx unusual, dominating, 0700
                        very brief announcement in a fade. NRC AM Log shows the only USSS are
                        in GA and OR, both unlikely; and only five Mexicans, XEGS Guasave,
                        Sinaloa probably most likely, and four others (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                        Greg Hardison replies:

                        ``I dunno. WPLO/"La Bonita" was pretty clearly heard in the 610 mess
                        on a West Virginia remote last night (Nov 16 UTC). Seems they could be
                        cheating, and the signal usually gets out around the East fairly well
                        anyway. If you hear any sporadic "La Bonita"s, that should cinch it``
                        (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                        Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn


                          Domestic, November 6-12:

                          ** OKLAHOMA. 255 MCW kHz, Nov 10 at 0438 UT, ND beacon SW is JBA. Sad
                          situation when this nearby Stillwater becomes DX vs OG&E`s line noise
                          level, worst on LW but extending to 25+ MHz. Four days later I am
                          still waiting for any response to my latest complaint Nov 6 (Glenn
                          Hauser, OK, WOR)

                          ** U S A. 1637.3 & 1682.7, Nov 6 at 0402 UT, spurblobs out of 1660
                          WTOU Kalamazoo are still rampant. When will they fix? Don`t 1640 or
                          1682 stations care? Of course not! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                          WORLD OF RADIO 2216 contents: *Alaska, Albania, Algeria, Antarctica,
                          China, (Cyprus), Europe, Germany, *Guam, India, Israel, Korea South,
                          (Lithuania), (Madagascar), México, Netherlands, New Zealand, North
                          America, Palestine non, Romania, *Russia, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka
                          and non, *Thailand, (Tunisia), Turkey, Ukraine non, UK and non, USA,
                          *Vatican and non, Vietnam non; ignition noise; propagation outlook
                          *with B23 schedules (countries mentioned with others not in order)

                          WOR 2216 available from 0252 UT Friday November 10:
                          (mp3 stream)
                          (mp3 download)

                          Also confirmed Saturday November 11 at 2028 about 2 minutes into so
                          started circa 2026 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9+13 into nearby SDR.

                          Also confirmed UT Sunday November 12 at 0540 about 11 minutes into so
                          started way later than nominal 0415, circa 0529 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM,
                          MO. Previous ham shows running long, but this time WOR not shifted
                          earlier to circa 0330.

                          Domestic, Nov 13-19:

                          ** NEWFOUNDLAND. 2598 USB, Nov 17 at 0742 UT, YL with marine weather
                          in English, JBA vs local line noise. shows this the
                          first 2598 broadcast of the local day from 0737 UT, VCP-4, 3000 watts
                          from Placentia, which is on the west side of the SE peninsula. Nothing
                          at this time on 2749, altho closer 550-watt VCO Sydney NS is supposed
                          to start at 0740 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                          ** OKLAHOMA. 1520, Nov 14 at 0746, KOKC OKC seems stronger than usual,
                          S9+45/35 direct in talk. Paul Walker heard that it had finally resumed
                          50 kW direxional westward at night. For years was on STA 12 kW ND
                          after antenna damage. Back in the glory days as KOMA with rock, was a
                          powerhouse in western N America, and of course on to Down Under. Now
                          there is QRM from a music understation, I wonder what. Even with DA-N
                          we are not getting the full brunt of it thisaway to the NNW (Glenn
                          Hauser, Enid, WOR)

                          ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Re 1520, KOKC allegedly back to 50 kW DA-N:
                          Mike Beu at 0144 Nov 15: ``Hey Glenn: Interesting info about KOKC
                          antenna pattern change - definitely weaker down south in Austin, Texas
                          - easier now to DX the channel. KRHW Sikeston, MO with C&W music is
                          frequently audible under KOKC including now at 0144 UTC, here in
                          Austin. Receiving Equipment: Drake R8B, Terminated Delta (17ft apex
                          and 28ft base) -, northeast, Mini-Flag (7ft by 15ft) - southeast.
                          Pennant (14ft by 29ft) - southeast. 73, Mike Beu, KD5DSQ, Austin,

                          And on the WOR iog in EST: ``1520 KOKC OK Oklahoma City 11/14, 2330
                          {0430 UT Nov 15}. Chad Benson talk program, in and out, over/under
                          co-channel QRM. Man at 2359. "KOKC...95 point 3 and 15-20 AM".
                          Stronger signal than we usually get here post-tornado, but not really
                          as strong as pre-tornado. A hard call to make, this listening session,
                          if they really at full power. Monitored on Grundig Satellit 205 and
                          internal loop. -- Rick Barton-AZ``

                          From IRCA iog Nov 14: ``Last night and this morning KOKC 1520 did not
                          appear to be back to normal. Weak signal compared to what it was
                          before the tornado took down towers. -- John Johnson DXing from Mesa,
                          Arizona, SDRplay RSPduo, Wellbrook ALA1530LNP``

                          ``Paul B. Walker, Jr., Alaska: ``They might be doing some final fine
                          turning {sic} before turning things up for good.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK,

                          ** U S A. 329 MCW kHz, Nov 17 at 0736, PMV, ND beacon is JB readable
                          despite line noise level on LW of S9; unlike any others in bandscan,
                          not even local 341 EI. PMV is 25 watts from Plattsmouth, NE. That`s
                          just south of Omaha where the combined N&S Platte Rivers flow into the
                          Missouri (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                          WORLD OF RADIO 2217 contents: (Armenia), Brasil, Bulgaria, China,
                          Colombia and non, Denmark, East Turkistan, Eritrea non, Europe,
                          Greece, India, Ireland and Northern, Israel non, Japan, Korea South,
                          Kurdistan non, (Madagascar), México, Netherlands, North America,
                          Oklahoma, (Russia), Sa`udi Arabia, Sudan South non, Turkey, (Ukraine),
                          USA, (Yemen non); unidentified 5845; propagation outlook - (countries
                          mentioned along with others not in order)

                          WOR 2217 available from 0143 UT Friday November 17:
                          (mp3 stream)
                          (mp3 download)

                          Or via
                          Also linx to podcast services.

                          Also confirmed Saturday November 18 at 2029, on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO,
                          VG S9+18 into nearby SDR.

                          WORLD OF RADIO 2217 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday November 19 at
                          0416 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9/+20 direct, about 1 minute into so
                          started on-time at 0415.

                          UNIDENTIFIED. 610, Nov 15 at 0657 UT, Mexmx unusual, dominating, 0700
                          very brief announcement in a fade. NRC AM Log shows the only USSS are
                          in GA and OR, both unlikely; and only five Mexicans, XEGS Guasave,
                          Sinaloa probably most likely, and four others (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                          Greg Hardison replies:

                          ``I dunno. WPLO/"La Bonita" was pretty clearly heard in the 610 mess
                          on a West Virginia remote last night (Nov 16 UTC). Seems they could be
                          cheating, and the signal usually gets out around the East fairly well
                          anyway. If you hear any sporadic "La Bonita"s, that should cinch it``
                          (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                          UNIDENTIFIED. 1440, caradio on an expedition 30km N of Enid, two weak
                          signals interfading, one religious, the other talk, likely early
                          skywave from KEXP Metroplex TX, 50 kW day power; and KMAJ Topeka KS,
                          respectively, 1937 UT Nov 15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)


                            International, Nov 20-26, 2023:

                            These logs are excerpts from my daily
                            all-band reports, mainly SWBC,
                            also VHF/UHF, sometimes utility, ham,
                            which may be found in several
                            archives without much delay, such as

                            All times and dates strictly UT. Rx:
                            NRD-545 with 100-foot E-W longwire;
                            DX-398 with internal antenna
                            only; IC-R75 with ALA-330S
                            inside E-W or inside randomwire N-S;
                            Nissan stock caradio as specified;
                            Or remote receivers when specified.

                            GLENN HAUSER`S WEEKLY LOG ROUNDUPS

                            Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
                            all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

                            ** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Nov 22 at 0748, no signal from R. Kiribati,
                            which I continue to check almost every night after 0700; last season
                            this would be the earliest/only ``trans``-Pacific MW carrier audible
                            here. Probably off, but still must overcome local noise level here.
                            Need further checking via Oahu remote (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                            ** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Nov 23 at 0700, NO signal detected from R.
                            Kiribati at Kaneohe, Oahu SDR which used to pick it up reliably on N/S
                            antenna. And of course no trace direct as I used to often have it last
                            wintrish (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                            ** KIRITIMATI. Ron Howard replies Nov 25 to my latest report about R.
                            Kiribati: ``Glenn - This past week (Nov 19+) I have also been checking
                            846, here at Asilomar State Beach, and like you, have had no hint of a
                            carrier (0630+ UT). Is probably off the air or running extremely low
                            power? Ron``. GB on `Calling All Radio Nutzzz` also mentioned us about
                            this not being heard as he also dealt with the other Xmas Island in
                            the Indian Ocean. He pronounced K- and K- as if in English rather than
                            approximating `kuh-ris-mas` and `kir-ee-bass` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                            ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2217 monitoring: Also confirmed
                            Sunday November 19 at 2100 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9 into
                            UTwente SDR across Europe, no QRM. Also at same time on WRN Europe
                            stream and WRMI webcast only.

                            WORLD OF RADIO 2218 contents: Antarctica, Australia, Brasil, Canada,
                            China, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Finland non, France, Germany, India,
                            Iran and non, Isle of Man, Japan, Korea North and non, (Lithuania),
                            México non?, (Newfoundland), North America, (Palestine non), Qatar
                            non, Russia, (Taiwan), Turkey, Turkmenistan and non, Ukraine and non,
                            UAE, UK, USA*, (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu; Ruscha RADIO paintings;
                            propagation outlook -- (countries mentioned along with others not in
                            order) *see correxion at USA 15770 WRMI log

                            WOR 2218 available from 0158 UT Friday November 24:
                            (mp3 stream)
                            (mp3 download)

                            Or via
                            Also linx to podcast services.

                            ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2218 monitoring: confirmed Friday
                            November 24 at 2148 the 2130 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9/+8
                            into UTwente across Europe and no QRM; not bad for 858 km = 533 miles,
                            5 or 1 kW per mwlist, or maybe already the F.Pl. of 15?

                            WORLD OF RADIO 2218 monitoring: confirmed Sunday November 26 at 2100
                            on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9+5 into UTwente with no QRM.

                            UNIDENTIFIED. 891 kHz, Nov 25 at 0741, JBA carrier vs WLS, presumably
                            Algeria; nothing else this late checking a few other 9/kHz splits,
                            684, 774, 855 kHz Spain. Need to do some full TA carrier bandscans
                            much earlier in evening, but propagation has been degraded lately
                            (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                            UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carriers, Nov 26 at 0507: 621,
                            711, 891 kHz, checking likely spots below 1200, not 9/kHz complete
                            scan; likely Canary, W Sahara, Algeria. No Spains on 684, 774, 855
                            (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                            Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn

                            ​Domestic, Nov 20-26, 2023:
                            All times and dates strictly UT!

                            Rx: NRD-545 with 100` E-W longwire;
                            IC-R75 with Wellbrook loop E/W or
                            N-S interior shortwire.
                            DX-398 with internal antenna only;
                            Nissan stock caradio as specified.
                            Or remote receivers when specified.

                            These logs are excerpts from my daily
                            all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also
                            VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham,
                            which may be found in several archives
                            without much delay, such as

                            GLENN HAUSER`S WEEKLY LOG ROUNDUPS

                            Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
                            all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

                            Yes, I know MW starts at 300 kHz, but may include LW
                            beacons below that for sake of completeness. It also
                            extends above to 3000 kHz. I also include reports of
                            harmonix originating with MW stations.

                            ** CANADA. 2749 USB, Nov 22 at 0746, marine weather in English by YL
                            voice, S7. Also same synth voice on 2598 USB much stronger S9+20.
                            Scheduled now are 2749 VCO Sydney NS from 0740 and 2598 VCP Placentia
                            NL from 0737, first broadcasts of the local days. However, EiBi shows
                            sites are really:
                            pc-Port Caledonia NS 46N11'14"-59W53'59"
                            sl-St Lawrence NL 46N55'09"-55W22'45"
                            (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                            ** CANADA. 2749 USB, Nov 26 at 0730 UT, algo JBA in English, presumed
                            CCG with marine weather; but nothing sked in EiBi or dxinfocentre
                            before 0740, VCO Sydney NS. Maybe additional for urgent/emergency
                            info? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                            ** OKLAHOMA. 255 MCW kHz, Nov 24 at 2320 UT, ND beacon SW in
                            StillWater is JB readable as the local line noise has finally abated
                            considerably but still occasional bursts: audiblized are numerous
                            birdies on LW, nevertheless a good sign, rather than any DX beacons,
                            yet. OG&E never contacted me after latest complaint, so unknown
                            whether they really did anything (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

                            ** U S A. 1550, Nov 26 at 1619 UT, `The Bluegrass Express` between
                            tunes. 1700 ToH ID as ``The Bluegrass Express, on 1550, KKLE,
                            Winfield, Kansas``. Weak but steady groundwave with SAH probably from
                            Sapulpa if it`s on. I was checking this out for Mauno Ritola of WRTH,
                            who asked earlier: ``Hi Glenn, do you hear this station? Is it still
                            on operation as "Bluegrass Express"? Thanks, Mauno``

                            I replied at first: ``Believe I did last time I tuned by. Will have to
                            check in daytime. 73, Glenn`` -- meanwhile Mauno replied:

                            ``Thanks. Later I noticed in :
                            "In September 2023, KKLE began airing an all-bluegrass music format,
                            branded as "The Bluegrass Express"", quoting:

                            Also reported on the air in October:
                            So I suppose they still continue, but if you happen to check, please
                            confirm. 73, Mauno`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                            ** U S A. 3090 kHz, Nov 26 at 0731 UT, S9 pop music in AM --- whoopee,
                            must be a third harmonic from 1030. It`s been ages since I have DXed
                            any such MW harmonic. No other fundamental would be an even fit. This
                            on the E/W longwire which is icy. Soon find // music tuning the DX-398
                            to 1030, and rough DF for NW/SE. On 1030 only, CCI from a C2C station,
                            no doubt KTWO WY, nothing unusual there. Then refined to country
                            format, 0743 all too brief YL announcement, maybe not an ID, also 0749
                            between tunes. Also audible weaker on 2060 = 2 x 1030 and 4120 = 4 x
                            1030; even a JBA carrier on 5150 = 5 x 1030. 6180 unchecked but might
                            soon confront Brasil. Paucity of 1030 stations around here makes KBUF
                            Holcomb = Garden City KS very likely, except in current NRC AM Log it
                            is also a talker. One tune identified at 0746, `The Greatest Man I
                            Never Knew`, by Reba, i.e. her father. But by 0755, 3090 is fading
                            down to S5, and gone by 0800 ToH ID time! Are they tweaking the

                            KBUF doesn`t quite make it here on groundwave daytime circa 1730 UT to
                            check whether a format change, JBA carrier vs S9+20 line noise. But:
                            Radio-locator shows address, where else? Valley City ND yet leads to
                            website with streaming:
                            and guess what, at 1757 it`s C&W music despite ostensible branding as
                            ``The Ag Leader``. 1800 ID and ABC News, 1805 back to country. 1812
                            ABC News again but JBM on stream, 1813 blasts on with ID and back to
                            C&W. ``We love being your Ag Leader, KBUF``. 1820, `Sixteen Tons``.
                            Maybe they are mainly C&W on weekends or part time among talk. Website
                            does not link to any program schedule; who cares about that?

                            Going by NRC AM Log, the only C&Ws on 1030 are: WEBS in Georgia, 3
                            watts at night; and WYCZ in Tennessee, 250. At 1810 I check for
                            harmonix in daytime but none heard (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WOR)

                            WORLD OF RADIO 2218 contents: Antarctica, Australia, Brasil, Canada,
                            China, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Finland non, France, Germany, India,
                            Iran and non, Isle of Man, Japan, Korea North and non, (Lithuania),
                            México non?, (Newfoundland), North America, (Palestine non), Qatar
                            non, Russia, (Taiwan), Turkey, Turkmenistan and non, Ukraine and non,
                            UAE, UK, USA*, (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu; Ruscha RADIO paintings;
                            propagation outlook -- (countries mentioned along with others not in
                            order) *see correxion at USA 15770 WRMI log

                            WOR 2218 available from 0158 UT Friday November 24:
                            (mp3 stream)
                            (mp3 download)

                            Or via
                            Also linx to podcast services.

                            Also confirmed Saturday November 25 from 2026 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO,
                            S9+18 into nearby SDR.

                            Also confirmed UT Sunday November 26 at 0426 about 7 minutes into so
                            started circa 0419, on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, S9/+20.
                            Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn Hauser


                              Domestic, Nov 27-Dec 3, 2023

                              All times and dates strictly UT!

                              ** OKLAHOMA. 267 MCW kHz, Nov 27 at 0254 UT, HET is JBA for a change,
                              25 watt NDB from HenryETta, seldom heard. Axually listening on 265
                              USB; 201 km = 125 stmi from Enid. Still suffering from hi line noise
                              level, worst on LW (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                              ** U S A. 353 MCW kHz, Nov 27 at 0256, LI, 400 watt NDB from LIttle
                              Rock AR, seldom heard but now anything outside OK is notable vs local
                              noise level (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                              ** U S A. 1510 kHz, Dec 3 at 0637 UT, traditional choral Xmas carols,
                              with WLAC nulled about 6 Hz away. I`m checking following reports that
                              R. Monumental, Ecuador was being widely heard in N America, but
                              unlikely to be this. 0700 English ID mentions translator but I can`t
                              copy any calls. Another try at 0800: KPLS Littleton CO plus 97.7 and
                              92.9. NRC AM Log shows that`s the `K-plus` group, with KPLS-FM on
                              97.7 and K225CZ on 92.9. Unless a daytime cheater, I figured it would
                              likely be this, due to paucity of 1510 night stations around here;
                              yet, seemingly unlikely due to tight NNE/SSW pattern both day and
                              night, so we are very much in a null; out of whack? KPLS is also
                              remarkable with a much *higher* power at night, 10/25 kW.
                              Night coverage:
                              Own website shows nothing but 1510, and programming, other stuff such
                              as Radio 74 International, correlate with 3ABN = 7DA TV network
                              (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                              ** U S A. 1630 kHz, Dec 2 at 0809 UT, KKGM Ft Worth TX with Black
                              Information Network promo and joint ID for 1630 & 970 in DFW. 970
                              would be KHVN, also licensed to Ft Worth, why both? For ancient radios
                              without X-band? No longer heavenly but keeping previous calls.
                              Radio-locator shows night coverage of 270-watt 970 from site just NE
                              of FW, ``local`` contour falls short of Dallas; unlike 1 kW 1630 which
                              from site further NE of FW halfway to Irving, exceeds almost to Balch
                              Springs, both ND. Studio address axually in Dallas (Glenn Hauser, OK,

                              ** U S A. 3090, Nov 27 circa 0700 and earlier, not a trace of the KBUF
                              KS third harmonic I heard 24 hours before. Apparently totally
                              repaired, but worth further chex just in case along with 2060, 4120,
                              5150 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                              WORLD OF RADIO 2219 contents: Antarctica, Bolivia, China, Cuba,
                              Denmark, Europe, (France), (Germany), Guam, Iran, Kiritimati, (Korea
                              North), Newfoundland, New Zealand, North America, Oklahoma, Papua New
                              Guinea, Romania, (Slovenia), Spain, Sudan South non, Switzerland non,
                              Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet non, Turkey, Ukraine, (UAE), UK non, USA,
                              (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu, Vatican, Zambia; propagation outlook --
                              (countries mentioned along with others not in order)

                              WOR 2219 available from 0203 UT Friday December 1:
                              (mp3 stream)
                              (mp3 download)

                              Or via
                              Also linx to podcast services. Complete WOR schedule:

                              Also confirmed Saturday December 2 at 2034 about 2 minutes into so
                              started circa 2032 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, VG S9+20 into nearby SDR;
                              also underway the 2030s on WRN N America webcast and RMI webcast only.

                              Also confirmed UT Sunday December 3 finally at 0532 about 3 minutes
                              into, so started circa 0529 after nominal 0415, on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO,
                              good direct but with CWQRM encroaching during some 160m DX contest.
                              (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                              Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn Hauser

                              GLENN HAUSER`S WEEKLY LOG ROUNDUPS

                              Published by early UT Thursday each week, the original complete
                              all-band logs in one merged alfabetical file:

                              ​International, Nov 27-Dec 3:
                              WORLD OF RADIO 2219 contents: Antarctica, Bolivia, China, Cuba,
                              Denmark, Europe, (France), (Germany), Guam, Iran, Kiritimati, (Korea
                              North), Newfoundland, New Zealand, North America, Oklahoma, Papua New
                              Guinea, Romania, (Slovenia), Spain, Sudan South non, Switzerland non,
                              Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet non, Turkey, Ukraine, (UAE), UK non, USA,
                              (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu, Vatican, Zambia; propagation outlook --
                              (countries mentioned along with others not in order)

                              WOR 2219 available from 0203 UT Friday December 1:
                              (mp3 stream)
                              (mp3 download)

                              Or via
                              Also linx to podcast services. Complete WOR schedule:

                              ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2219 monitoring: not confirmed
                              Friday December 1 at 2130 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, JBA into
                              UTwente but no CCI, enough to tell it`s #2218 instead. I was late in
                              uploading it to IRRS server! They now have 2219 for further airings.
                              This also reminds me to be sure WRMI has it ASAP. I seem to be getting
                              forgetful. Via Dec BDXC-UK Communication, note this:

                              ``A test transmission has been heard on 1323 kHz from the Brighton
                              (Southwick) transmitter which used to carry Smooth Radio Sussex. The
                              announcement stated “This is an engineering test transmission to
                              establish the feasibility of new commercial and community radio
                              stations. If you can hear this broadcast we would be very grateful for
                              your reception report. You can email
                              Thank you for listening and enjoy the music we have for you as part of
                              this test transmission.” ( 12-13 November)``

                              So WOR from Italy on 1323, Fri 2130 & Sun 2100, may regain CCI, but so
                              far clear even unto UTwente.

                              UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search of entire band at
                              9/kHz intervals, November 28 at 0430: only 711 het on 710, and rather
                              strong but no audio pulled. A few years ago, one of the Cuban Rebeldes
                              was thought to be exactly +1 kHz off-frequency, but surely more likely
                              the Moroccan imperialist station in Western Sahara. WRTH 2023 shows 8
                              Rebeldes on 710 from 1 to 200 kW. The 400 kW Moroccan // on 936 used
                              to be a regular carrier here but has been inactive a few years (Glenn
                              Hauser, OK, WOR)

                              UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carriers: Nov 29 circa 0330, 711
                              kHz; again at 0647 when also detecting 774 & 855 likely Spain, maybe
                              819? 711 probably Western Sahara (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                              UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Nov 30 at
                              0435-0440, including some not usually detected but all are extremely
                              weak JJBBA: 576, 612, 711, 774, 855, 891, 1008, 1089, 1107, 1161, 1305
                              and two beating on 1710 = pirates or TIS (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                              UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Dec 1 at 0435:
                              855, 891, 1044, likely Spain, Algeria, Spain (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

                              Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn

