Working through my remaining 2022 unIDs and have these Spanish language audio clips I’m hoping to resolve. Any leads are appreciated, with thanks!
88.3: Spanish with what sounds like a Top 20 music program. I’m curious what’s said, or if the program name is stated, or if there are any other clues. I was getting weak low-band Es fade-ups from places as diverse as NFLD, SD and GA. July 15 at 2040 EDT .
90.1: Slogan sounding like “La Musica, La Esperanza” during Es to FL, GA and AL on May 7 at 1553 EDT. This could also potentially be further south.
91.7: Very brief clip. But any sense as to what is being said? Es from FL to TX.
91.9: Spanish, and I had pretty solid KS via Es, but also some TX and OK. Any sense of what is being said? June 24 at 1528 EDT.
92.5: This might be Dec. 16 but the clip somehow seems out of place from what the Es I recall hearing that day. It’s Spanish and from the US judging by an English ad. There’s a possible phone number, seeming to take requests. Is it in any way IDable?
92.7: Two clips of a Spanish preacher. Is the preacher or program recognizable? Via Es June 12 at 1942 and 2120. KYRE-LP in Mansfield TX crossed my mind, but this opening stretched from MS to WY.
93.3: Spanish-language NASCAR-like car racing June 11 at 2012 EDT. Was a crazy evening Es opening, in all kinds of directions, including MD, NC, FL, OK, KS, IL, IA, NE and ND.
93.9: Spanish music and talk by female announcer. Es June 24 at 1527. Options include TX and KS if it’s in the US.
98.3: Spanish phone number June 21 at 2153. KBOC Bridgeport TX is common via Es but there are various options.
Saul Chernos
Burnt River ON
88.3: Spanish with what sounds like a Top 20 music program. I’m curious what’s said, or if the program name is stated, or if there are any other clues. I was getting weak low-band Es fade-ups from places as diverse as NFLD, SD and GA. July 15 at 2040 EDT .
90.1: Slogan sounding like “La Musica, La Esperanza” during Es to FL, GA and AL on May 7 at 1553 EDT. This could also potentially be further south.
91.7: Very brief clip. But any sense as to what is being said? Es from FL to TX.
91.9: Spanish, and I had pretty solid KS via Es, but also some TX and OK. Any sense of what is being said? June 24 at 1528 EDT.
92.5: This might be Dec. 16 but the clip somehow seems out of place from what the Es I recall hearing that day. It’s Spanish and from the US judging by an English ad. There’s a possible phone number, seeming to take requests. Is it in any way IDable?
92.7: Two clips of a Spanish preacher. Is the preacher or program recognizable? Via Es June 12 at 1942 and 2120. KYRE-LP in Mansfield TX crossed my mind, but this opening stretched from MS to WY.
93.3: Spanish-language NASCAR-like car racing June 11 at 2012 EDT. Was a crazy evening Es opening, in all kinds of directions, including MD, NC, FL, OK, KS, IL, IA, NE and ND.
93.9: Spanish music and talk by female announcer. Es June 24 at 1527. Options include TX and KS if it’s in the US.
98.3: Spanish phone number June 21 at 2153. KBOC Bridgeport TX is common via Es but there are various options.
Saul Chernos
Burnt River ON