I am not sure if others are interested in this information or not, but I keep a log of low VHF TV station pilot frequencies. I use that as a clue what signals are starting to come in before my TV tuners and sets can receive them. Most stations have very stable pilot frequencies, not varying more than a single Hz for years. Some pilot frequencies are GPS linked and so have no deviation from the exact frequency of their lower channel edge plus 309.440 555 kHz.
Today WHNH from VT/CT made it into Nebraska for a short period. I measured its pilot frequency:

By the time I had my spectrum analyzer set up to make the measurement, WHNH was 30 weaker (about the same as semi-local KNOP [194 miles away]). That made it easy to get a 2023 frequency measurement for both. KNOP is my weak signal limiting factor on channel 2. Its pilot always makes it to my house.
Some stations use low-cost transmitters and translators which have poor frequency stability. I have seen some which vary over 500 Hz. The pilot frequency for those stations does not provide much help in identifying them. However, it does not take long to see that frequency drift which does give you a clue.
My spectrum analyzer is GPS locked making its frequency accuracy to within a couple of tenths of a Hertz.
WOME CH3 from Florida also made it into Nebraska for a short period today. I didn't notice that soon enough to measure its frequency.
Today WHNH from VT/CT made it into Nebraska for a short period. I measured its pilot frequency:
By the time I had my spectrum analyzer set up to make the measurement, WHNH was 30 weaker (about the same as semi-local KNOP [194 miles away]). That made it easy to get a 2023 frequency measurement for both. KNOP is my weak signal limiting factor on channel 2. Its pilot always makes it to my house.
Some stations use low-cost transmitters and translators which have poor frequency stability. I have seen some which vary over 500 Hz. The pilot frequency for those stations does not provide much help in identifying them. However, it does not take long to see that frequency drift which does give you a clue.
My spectrum analyzer is GPS locked making its frequency accuracy to within a couple of tenths of a Hertz.
WOME CH3 from Florida also made it into Nebraska for a short period today. I didn't notice that soon enough to measure its frequency.