Here are some unIDs from June and July where local knowledge might make the difference.
88.3 - Ohio Valley Electric - This was meteor scatter burst mentioned Ohio Valley Electric as a sponsor. It serves the tri-state area, so I know we're talking about OH/KY/In here. My guess is WAIF Cincinnati. But there could be other candidates. I have found nothing linking the utility to anything radio station related. Any thoughts on this one? Heard July 5 at 1618 EDT.
88.3 - TN ad ctry gospel - This was Es, but the opening only yielded this station, as I was setting up for the day it faded in, and you can hear yours truly overriding the recording for a moment noting that it was "probably Family Life" - but immediately afterwards it mentioned an ad for H2O WaterBiz and a phone number of 931-575-8966. This checks to Cookeville TN. In retrospect, the announcer and format strikes me as similar to "The Gospel Station" network which has two OK outlets on 88.3 and also one from Dibrell TN, which is fairly close to Cookeville. Does anyone know if (1) This indeed is The Gospel Station network, (2) If an ad or sponsor info like this would run across the entire network or be a true lockl indicator for Dibrell? Heard June 16 at 1108 EDT.
92.1 - TX Dallas Alert - Es. An amber alert for Dallas. This was a country station, so I'm discounting two Spanish Christian translators and one English Christian translator very close to Dallas. Burt there are two possibilities: KXEZ Farmersville is listed as 40.8 miles from Dallas. KTFW in Glen Rose is at 80.5 miles. KTFW is common for me via Es and I've never logged KXEZ. Curious for any comments. June 11 at 2040 EDT.
92.9 - KVRE ancr maybe - Es. The announcer is very local sounding, and almost sounds like what I'd expect to hear on KVRE AR. Any thoughts? AR-TX July 23 at 0901.
92.9 - Pastor Aaron Marster - Am I hearing this pastor's name correctly? Es area KS mainly, also OK TX AR. June 29 at 1143.mp3
104.3 - The calls really sounds like WGZE (or WGVE) and it's either Brown County or Green County's entertainment station. But nothing fits. Maybe I'm mishearing. Es to AL/MS/LA/TN mainly. Heard July 29 at 2120.
104.7 - 342-1047 oldies - The phone number is very clear, and a caller is put on air. But searches draw blanks. It's oldies. Es to TX AR LA July 30 at 1933.
106.3 - Serving the area - This clip says 'serving the tri-county area'. That may be all. Was hearing SC NC GA FL via Es. I'm hoping the announcer's voice is recognizable to someone. July 30 at 1606.
106.7 - Oldies seems local - TWO clips, one leading into an oldies track, on coming out of that song. In the first clip is a dedication to Tommy Hardin's son up at Whiteman Air For Base. That's in MO. This opening was to TX/AR through to FL/GA. July 30 Es at 2013/2016
Any thoughts, comments, leads are appreciated, with thanks!
Saul Chernos
Burnt River ON
88.3 - Ohio Valley Electric - This was meteor scatter burst mentioned Ohio Valley Electric as a sponsor. It serves the tri-state area, so I know we're talking about OH/KY/In here. My guess is WAIF Cincinnati. But there could be other candidates. I have found nothing linking the utility to anything radio station related. Any thoughts on this one? Heard July 5 at 1618 EDT.
88.3 - TN ad ctry gospel - This was Es, but the opening only yielded this station, as I was setting up for the day it faded in, and you can hear yours truly overriding the recording for a moment noting that it was "probably Family Life" - but immediately afterwards it mentioned an ad for H2O WaterBiz and a phone number of 931-575-8966. This checks to Cookeville TN. In retrospect, the announcer and format strikes me as similar to "The Gospel Station" network which has two OK outlets on 88.3 and also one from Dibrell TN, which is fairly close to Cookeville. Does anyone know if (1) This indeed is The Gospel Station network, (2) If an ad or sponsor info like this would run across the entire network or be a true lockl indicator for Dibrell? Heard June 16 at 1108 EDT.
92.1 - TX Dallas Alert - Es. An amber alert for Dallas. This was a country station, so I'm discounting two Spanish Christian translators and one English Christian translator very close to Dallas. Burt there are two possibilities: KXEZ Farmersville is listed as 40.8 miles from Dallas. KTFW in Glen Rose is at 80.5 miles. KTFW is common for me via Es and I've never logged KXEZ. Curious for any comments. June 11 at 2040 EDT.
92.9 - KVRE ancr maybe - Es. The announcer is very local sounding, and almost sounds like what I'd expect to hear on KVRE AR. Any thoughts? AR-TX July 23 at 0901.
92.9 - Pastor Aaron Marster - Am I hearing this pastor's name correctly? Es area KS mainly, also OK TX AR. June 29 at 1143.mp3
104.3 - The calls really sounds like WGZE (or WGVE) and it's either Brown County or Green County's entertainment station. But nothing fits. Maybe I'm mishearing. Es to AL/MS/LA/TN mainly. Heard July 29 at 2120.
104.7 - 342-1047 oldies - The phone number is very clear, and a caller is put on air. But searches draw blanks. It's oldies. Es to TX AR LA July 30 at 1933.
106.3 - Serving the area - This clip says 'serving the tri-county area'. That may be all. Was hearing SC NC GA FL via Es. I'm hoping the announcer's voice is recognizable to someone. July 30 at 1606.
106.7 - Oldies seems local - TWO clips, one leading into an oldies track, on coming out of that song. In the first clip is a dedication to Tommy Hardin's son up at Whiteman Air For Base. That's in MO. This opening was to TX/AR through to FL/GA. July 30 Es at 2013/2016
Any thoughts, comments, leads are appreciated, with thanks!
Saul Chernos
Burnt River ON